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The next day, it rained.

You didn't even know it could rain here until you saw the overcast sky, and felt the first droplets land on you. You took shelter within the shed Airy had built, huddled on the reeds as the rain pounded overhead.

Thunder cracked loudly, shaking your precious shelter and making you jump. The rain increased in intensity, cascading down, the outside now a grey blur.

Water began to drip down onto you and you gasped a little and tilted your head up. Dammit. The shed's roof had a leak. You sighed, pulling your knees to your chest as you watched the outside grow hazy with mist from the rain, feeling water leak onto you and run down your back.

This was the first time you had seen rain in who knows how long, you weren't exactly ungrateful. You stood up unsteadily and made your way to the entrance, sticking a hand out into the downpour. You shivered at the sensation of the cold rain beating against your skin.

It was refreshing. It made you feel alive. Part of you was grateful. You barely noticed your feet carrying you outside and into the storm until you were suddenly soaked to the bone.

You let out a soft gasp, wrapping your arms around yourself. What the hell were you thinking? You were gonna get sick standing out in the rain like this. And you were sure there weren't any hospitals around.

You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't notice Airy exiting the cave.

"What are you doing out here?" He slowly walked over to you and placed a hand on your arm. You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and looked over at him, startled. He let go and withdrew his hand to his side. "Sorry. Um...you should go inside."

"The shed has a leak." You said almost immediately.

Airy almost looked troubled at this. "...Oh. I thought I fixed that."

You stood there awkwardly. Airy seemed to be thinking to himself now. He blinked, snapping out of it, before taking your arm again. "Um...just...come over here instead..."

He pulled you along with him, though you didn't offer much resistance. You were shivering by the time he reached the cave and led you inside.

Beyond the cascading vines that obscure the entrance was a small cavern, bathed in the light of a...computer? Your lips parted slightly as you stared dumbly at the thing. How was there even electricity out here?

Airy followed your gaze and connected the dots. "Oh...yeah. Um...I don't know how that got here either. But I've been...messing with it...Uh..." he trailed off, and you guessed he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

He let go of your hand and walked towards the computer, leaning over it to mess with something. As you watched, you noticed the abundance of small planet-like structures floating around the desk. What were those? You opened your mouth to ask, but decided against it. You didn't want to distract Airy from what he was doing.

You sat down and looked outside through the vines to watch the rain. It had let up but only slightly. High above you could hear the sound of the downpour against the cliff face. It was almost enough to put you to sleep.

You broke out of your trance as Airy came over and sat next to you, seemingly finished with whatever he was doing. "Sorry about that. I had to...take care of some things..." Was all he said. He followed your gaze to the outside.

"Does it rain here often?" You asked after you two had sat in silence for a few moments, listening to the rain.

"Uh...I don't...remember..." he admitted with a shrug.

"You don't remember?"

"No...sorry..." he turned away. "It doesn't really...happen often..."

"Oh." You couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. It hit you again that he had been stuck here for years. Had he forgotten what the rain sounds like?

You stole a glance at Airy. He didn't seem particularly bothered by this fact, his settled expression betraying no sort of emotion, negative or otherwise.

He noticed your stare and turned to look at you, and you hastily turned away before your eyes could meet. You didn't want to seem like a creep.

It occured to you that you hardly knew a thing about this place, and neither did Airy, even though he had been here for much longer.

"Do you...like the rain?" You decided to ask. You might as well try to learn about him if you were gonna be stuck here.

"Uh...I don't...uh..." Airy seemed to hesitate briefly. "Uh...y-yeah. I think...I do."

That was harder to answer than it should've been. Had he somehow forgotten his preference? Did he even remember anything else about himself?

Despite that, you offered a smile. "I like the rain. It's relaxing."

Airy held your gaze before smiling back, his perpetually blank expression shifting a little to allow for this.

Huh. You didn't even know he could smile. It was a little cute.

Thunder sounded overhead and you let out a yelp at the sudden noise, jumping a little. Airy looked over at you. He seemed unaffected by the thunder. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh...yeah. I'm not a fan of loud noises." You admitted sheepishly. Airy nodded slowly before turning to face the wall again. You breathed heavily to try and steady your heart rate. You wished you could be as unbothered as Airy was at everything, but perhaps the apathy was more borne of a curse than anything else.

does anyone have ideas for things i could do in this story in the future? it's kind of taken the form of loosely connected episodic oneshots for now, so if you have any ideas for said oneshots i'll be happy to take them...i won't take smut requests though, sorry.

(IMPORTANT UPDATE) vanished (airy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now