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You always did wonder what was up with that cave.

You had only been inside once, during the rainstorm. That was when you had noticed the computer. And the planets. Another weird property of this strange place.

You pondered this as you sat by the pond, watching the waterfall cascade down. Airy had gone to collect more reeds.

You also pondered your life, and what might've happened to you. You didn't remember dying, you barely remembered a thing about being alive except that you were lonely and you for some reason knew how to make fire and kill fish.

Maybe I was a caveman, you thought wryly.

Of course, your thoughts eventually led you to Airy. He was a complete enigma to you. You realized you barely knew a thing about him and he had never told you anything himself.

You doubted it was on purpose. He was aloof and, well, airy. He'd told you before that he had completely forgotten how he died. As had you.

That's one thing you two had in common...

You knew nothing about the cave because you'd never thought to ask him. And those planets. Had he made them himself? Was that computer always there? How was there electricity out here?

Well, you thought as you watched Airy cross the river. I guess there's only one way for me to find out.

Airy came back down the trail, basket full of reeds, looking satisfied (his expression barely moved an inch, but you'd been around him just long enough to tell).

He set the basket down by the shed, coming over to sit down by you. "I got more reeds..."

You nodded. "I saw. Can I...ask you something?"

"Uh...sure." Airy tilted his head, staring directly at you.

You took a deep breath, unsure of how his reaction would be. It couldn't be that bad, right? He barely kept it a secret, after all.

"Can you tell me what's up with that computer? In the cave." You pointed. Airy followed your gaze, then looked back at you. He stared at you for a second, blinking slowly.

"Oh...that...it's always been there." he shrugged. "After messing with it I found you could make planets so I...did."

"Oh." You stared at the cave entrance. This place could make planets?

Okay, this definitely wasn't Earth. There goes your chances of ever finding help.

You decided not to think about that for now. "You made all of them?" you asked.

Airy nodded. "Yy...yeah....I did."

"Oh...not bad. I...I think it's pretty cool." You offered a smile.

Airy's expression seemed to light up a little. "Oh, thanks. It was hard to figure out but...it kept me occupied."

"How long did it take?"

He shrugged. "Maybe a year or two. I don't really...remember..."

"Oh." So it had been a while ago. "Have you...made anymore?"

"I haven't really needed to." Airy mumbled.

Your brow furrowed. "What does that mean?"

"Oh, I've just been...using the few that I have." Airy pulled his knees up to his chest.

Using? your mind echoed. You filed that away for now. "Would you...ever wanna make more?" you asked. Part of you wanted to try making one yourself. Making planets with Airy seemed like a fun way to pass the time.

Airy shrugged, looking at the waterfall. "Uh...sure...it's been a while, though."

No shit.

"I'd have to try and...figure it out again..."

"That's okay." You gave him a hopeful smile. "We can...um, we can figure it out together, right?"

"Together? Uh...yeah. Sure. Together." Airy continued to avoid your gaze. "I've never made planets with another person before. I don't know how it would..."

"I mean, you figured it out once, right? You can totally do it again. it can't be that hard."

"Yeah. We can look at it later...if you want..." Airy gazed down at the sand, picking up handfuls to let run through his fingers.

"Yeah. Later." The smile you wore faded a little as anxiety ate at you and you returned to your earlier thoughts. You really weren't getting out of here, were you?

Before, you had held onto the dwindling hope that someone was looking for you. That you hadn't died, or that some freak accident had led you here. That a search and rescue team was on their way right that moment.

But what you saw in the cave confirmed it. What Airy told you confirmed it. No one was coming for you.

Airy had been here for ten years and no one had come for him. It was hopeless.

At least you weren't alone though, you thought as you glanced over at your companion. He was still playing with the sand, blissfully unaware of your turmoil.

i really love airy guys my heart hurts

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