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Ricky sat down in the main area of the cruise, waiting for everyone to arrive. He has never been on a boat for more than a few hours, and he already began to feel ill. Before this he was complaining to Big Red about a headache but wanted to power through for the trip.

The boat began to swerve and bellow the horn as it departed. "Boo!" Nini put her hands on his shoulders and scared Ricky. She had been pretty nice to Ricky since her and EJ broke up, although they weren't on the best terms.

Ricky shrieked and jumped at least fifty feet in the air (maybe that's a tiny exaduration). "Holy cow Nini!" he put his hand on his heart and tried to catch his breath. 

She smiled and turned him around so she could see his brig, brown, beautiful eyes. "Ricky are you alright...?" she looked at his pale, sweaty, face. His eyes were darting around the room like crazy too.

He nodded, "Yeah, just haven't been this far from home without my parents." Lie. Lie. Lie.

"You're homesick already?!" Nini's smiled faded.

He choked out, "Where is everyone else?"

"They're all on this waterslide, I was told to come down here to get you, and then we can go up there-" she cuts herself off, "Oh my! I forgot you get motion sick! The slide might make you sick, probably not a great idea..."

"Not the only thing making me feel sick right now," Is what Ricky WOULD'VE said if he wanted to ruin everyone's time. Instead, he just grinned, "I'll live!" 

She pouted her bottom lip out, "Are you sure? I know you don't like throw up." Ricky just smiled and nodded, something he did when he was visibly nervous. "Ricky, just know you don't have to go if you don't want to. Don't feel peer pressured."

He forced a smile on his sheet-white face, "Mhm, all good Neens! Thanks for caring though!" his phone buzzed in his pocket, he thought there wasn't Wi-Fi, and grabbed his phone confused.

Big RED: Hey bro we're going to the teen club it is on the 4 floor

"Oh, Nini wait!" Ricky chased after her and grabbed her hand. "Big Red said they're at the teen club thing, on floor four I guess?" 

Nini slyly pulled her hand away, "Oh. Do you want to walk with me?" Ricky stared off into the distance, almost in a trance. "Ricky! Are you sure you're, okay?" she waved her hand in front of his face.

"Yeah- no- I'm fine, let's go!" He began to walk towards the elevator, fidgeting with his clammy hands.


Ricky sat in front of the screen, playing Mario Cart. "Ricky!!" he ran over to him, along with Ashlyn, Gina, EJ, Nini, Seb, Carlos and Kourtney. "This place is awesome right? We were thinking of going mini golfing in like a few minutes. It seems really cool to be golfing, in the dark, on a boat!" 

In the dark? Ricky must have lost track of time, "Oh, yeah sounds good!" he glanced at the clock which read, 1:23. Wow, it was really late. 

Kourtney chimed in, "Miss Jen was gonna come in here after and watch a movie with us, but anyone who gets seasick probably shouldn't! Ahem, Big Red." 

"I haven't even felt weird this whole time!" Big Red knocked on wood. "Anyway, let's go up to mini golfing?" Everyone nodded. 

The cruise was beautiful to say the least, and everyone loved it so far. Except Ricky, who had a bad case of seasickness, and hadn't drunk water since yesterday. When they got up to the top level, they all got puts and started playing, of course EJ was in the lead, and Gina was hyping him up.

Gina stared into the water, "Look! We're rocking!" she giggled, and almost fell over when the boat swayed. 

Ricky walked over to a bench next to their course. His head felt like he was on a spinning ride for hours and could vomit any second. Ashlyn walked over to him, "Rick you alright?"

Ricky shook his head but regretted it. The movement made his very dizzy. He sat back down on the bench and rubbed his temple. "I don't feel- I don't feel great, I mean- I dunno, I can't really describe it, I'm really sorry." 

Ricky mumbled and stuttered incoherent words and darted up to the side of the boat. As soon as he was over the side he began to hurl. There were many 'ewww's ' and 'ohmygod's'. Nini rubbed his back and looked away. "Ricky are you good?" he nodded.  His hand reached out for water; he was violently shaking. "Richard, you are shaking." Nini grabbed his hand.

He closed his eyes and attempted to control his breathing, and shaking, "Mhm. I'm fine." 

"Richard Bowen. Breathe with me." she took a deep breath in and held it for five seconds, then released. That did not work whatsoever because he was still hyperventilating, "You're still trembling... you're a little shaken, aren't you?" he nodded, knowing his emetophobia would not be able to handle what was about to happen. "Just stay calm and breathe. You know that if you control your breathing, there will be a less likely chance of it happening."

His body goes back into panic mode, and he leaned the balcony. His vomit hits the lower deck, with an unpleasant sound. He begins to sob, no one has ever seen Ricky really cry, only acting. The stuff on his shirt begins to drip down his leg. "Ricky I'm gonna take you to your room, okay?" Miss Jen rubbed his arm, "It looks like you have a classic case of seasickness."

He shook his head, "I'm not sick! I'm fine." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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