chapter 23 • my father had spent half the night interrogating him

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mia's quince had gone on until 1 am, and my legs hurt from dancing with finney the entire night.

finney looked like he has gotten no sleep, and drank thirteen cups of coffee.

my father had spent half the night interrogating him,  asking him if he wanted alcohol.

finney said no each time, because he knew my dad was setting him up. also, he'd learned his lesson from the last time he'd gotten drunk.

robin and gwen had been on a horrible sugar rush, and vance was enjoying the after party much more than the quince.

but he had an amazing time at both, seeing mia in that dress was worth the suit he had to wear.

but now, he'd gone back to his regular jeans.

mia was still in a dress, but a shorter normal one.

she was still the star of the show for the after party.

gwen and i had fallen asleep on the couch after helping mia out of her dress.

we picked bobby pins out of her hair for an hour in the morning.

"i'm so glad there's less people." robin said, with a lollipop in his mouth.

"yesterday was so fun!" gwen smiled, digging into a slice of cake.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now