part 4

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Y/n's .p.o.v..

"Mr. Kenma, we have a deal!"

He looked at me with satisfaction.

"Great, let's hope luck is on your side AhAh, although the chance is very small of course."

Kenma reached out and signaled me to shake his hand.

I took his hand and got a stabbing pain.

A small bat slowly burned on my wrist.

The pain got worse and worse until finally I slowly began to lose my sight and softly heard Kenma's last words.

"Good luck, Y/n. I hope you survive."

Six days have flown by since I made the deal with Mr. Kenma.
And the week went like this...
On the first day I didn't expect much and decided to do some research in the library with Kuroo about where I was and what it meant to be a blood pet.
And actually it wasn't as bad as I expected.
A blood pet is someone who has a bit of the same content as a secataris with some extra things.
In addition to keeping track of and passing on things, you need to take things like classes and raise your IQ until your "master" thinks it's enough.
Kuroo said that in addition to the information in the book, there are also a few things that are never told.
A blood pet does not have to donate blood, but when it is really urgent it can happen involuntarily.
But Kuroo said the chances of that ever happening in my case are very slim, because Mr. Kenma himself has plenty in stock.
Finally, a blood pet should always be in sight of the person being instructed.
Or of course the 'master' of the blood pet.
So if Mr. Kenma were to tell me to stay with Kuroo, I have to be in his sight or it's against the rules.
Kuroo wouldn't tell me what happens when the rules are broken, but I think it's for a serious reason.
After we had researched for a few hours, Mr. Kenma came in.
Mr. Kenma said it was time to stop for my research and I had to eat with him before it was time to put today behind me.
The food was great- I mean okay.
And my room was a little bigger and nicer than I expected, but we're not going to get into that either.
The rest of the days were basically all the same.
Kenma had hired or commissioned Kuroo and someone named Tsukishima Kei - who is a highly learned moon caller, meaning he has night magic - to be my tutor.
Kuroo and I got along well, but Tsukishima was different.
He was someone you couldn't easily start a conversation with and reminded me a bit of Hikaru when he was in his bad mood.
But he is a great tutor and you understand a lot of what he is saying.
Although I already knew a lot as a seer and a top student in the top three.
Both boys were sometimes heavily impressed by this.
Classes lasted about an hour in the afternoon, and nearer I sat down near the great door I once entered.
There was a big window there with a sill to sit on
I always sat there until Mr. Kenma came to get me.
Every day I went to the window something was also put down to make me a little more comfortable and so I don't get bored or fall asleep like the first day I sat there.
On the first day there was nothing, but on day two there was a small soft cloth that I could sit on.
Then some pillows.
Which was continued with some drawing stuff and books.
And finally even an mp3 player with music that Mr. Kenma thought I would like.
Mr. Kenma also sometimes came over after the first day when I sat by the window and sometimes he would start a short conversation with me or, to my surprise, he would play a game on certain electronics.
I think he knew that no one was coming and that I was slowly figuring that out too.
But I have to say it's not terrible here either, but it's not my home either.
I miss the twins' bickering as Shoyo tries to separate them and Aido lies on the floor laughing at everything going on around him.
I often watched or helped in Shoyo, but it was never boring with them around me.
I think if they were here it would be home.
When it comes to my parents... maybe they don't even realize I'm gone...
But yeah, that doesn't matter.
And today is finally the last day.
Mr. Kenma has given me time off from my classes today as I may be a little more tense today.
He has also said that if indeed no one comes today my role as blood pet starts the next full moon.
And there is a great feast on the full moon called the blood moon.
The full moon only occurs once every 100 years and chooses two people for a special dance.
Mr. Kenma says that if I'm still there he's going to announce me there and promise to keep my gifts a secret.
I don't know why he would want to take me there if I'm still there, but who knows, it might be fun.
I think Mr. Kenma has shown a lot more sides of himself since the day we met.
And to be honest, he can be quite comfortable to have around you.
But that's not important at the moment.
Today is the last day of the bet and that is the most important.
I'm slowly starting to worry.
Could it be that Aido has forgotten me.
That wouldn't be possible and we've known each other too long for that.
I know that Hikaru and Kaoru along with Shoyo will not forget me.
Especially since they can come here if Aido doesn't come for me.
Still, Mr. Kenma, along with Kuroo, tries to keep my mind off it.
The two of them had decided to give me a tour of the area outside the big house.
But not too far before someone came.
Mr. Kenma didn't say much on the way, but Kuroo couldn't be quiet for a minute.
He told me about the flower field nearby where a number of fairy keepers along with an iron guard were in charge.
The fairy keepers are called Haruhi and Mitsukuni or Honey.
The iron guard is called Takashi, but everyone calls him Mori.
It was nice to know there was another girl to talk to sometimes.
I often only have boys around me, so that's another thing.
And she sounds very nice.
Mr. Kenma says if I'm still here I'm going to meet them on the red moon with everyone he knows.
Also Shoyo, Hikaru and Kaoru will be there to single me then, besides himself of course.
If I'm very honest, this place makes me want to leave here less and less.
But my old experiences as a seer hold me back very much.
Because I've seen a lot of good here now, but a lot more bad in other cases and I know it could get worse here.
Just like HIM...
No do not bother.
We're not going to talk about that creature.
Thinking about it gave me a shiver and didn't even notice that Kuroo and Mr. Kenma had stopped walking because of it.

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