Leaving finally

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3rd Person's POV

They sat on the plane, waiting for it to land. Its been 4 hours since they left Beacon Hills. The three teens were tired, but Stiles didn't sleep, because he was still haunted by the nogitsune killing Allison, his bestfriend, and ex-lover. They'd been seeing each other for a year but in secret. Only Jackson and Liam knew. Liam had no problem with it, and agreed to keep it a secret, but Jackosn was jealous. Not of Stiles but of Allison. She got him and he didn't.

Jackson couldn't sleep because he only dreamed of Stiles and since Stiles was with him, he didn't want to slip up in his sleep. But eventually his eyes fluttered closed and he slept.

Liam of course was already sleep, he had been for the past 3 hours, dreaming of everything good.

Stiles finally slept within the 5th hour so he only got an hours sleep.

Once the flight landed the three got off the plane and Stiles took out his phone, he then called Happy, one the only four who knew about him, besides his mothers. Stiles and the two betas got into the black audi and Happy drive them to the tower.

Jackson and Liam were shocked when h
They saw the Avengers Tower for the first time. They look at Stiles confused and he just smiled his usually goofy grin, in which caused Jackson to blush.

Stiles and the two betas then got out of the car and walked into the building with Happy. They parted ways when they left the elevator. Jackson was confused as to why they were here but shrugged it off. Liam was to happy to question why.

Stiles then opened the door to the Avengers meeting room, not expecting anyone to be in there. But instead he found 𝘢𝘭𝘭 of the Avengers in the room staring at him. "STILES!" Wanda and Natasha said getting up to hug their teenage boy "Hey mama," Stiles say to Natasha as she hugged him "Hi mum," Stiles said to Wanda smiling. Jackson and Liam were confused because they thought his mother was dead.

The Avengers were even more confused "I'm sorry, but who are they?" Steve asked the two female Avengers. Stiles and Jackson both blushed at his beauty, "Oh hell no," Natasha say to Stiles "What?" Stiles asks with a goofy grin "He is to old for you," Natasha says and Stiles shrugs.

Wanda just laughs and then move son "Anyways, This is Mieczysław, my son," Wanda says "He's also my son," Natasha says rolling her eyes at Wanda's antics "Huh?" Tony asks just as Fury walks in "Stiles?!" Fury asks "Uncle Fury!" Stiles says jumping into the man's embrace "How are you and what are you doing here?" Fury asks "I'm fine and I got kicked from my pa- friend group. And these to left," he explained pointing to Jackson and Liam.

Fury nods and then starts telling the Avengers about their next mission "Tasha, Maximoff, can Stiles and his friends come?" Clint asks "Sure but I'm killing you if my son gets hurt," Natasha says "Now about the other two, what can you do?" Wanda asks tilting her head in confusion.

The boys look at Stiles, who nods and they glow their eyes.

The boys look at Stiles, who nods and they glow their eyes

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