He doesn't belong to you

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This is for bestieee stop_simping 😘 Finally updated it

Jackson's POV

It's been 3 weeks since we left the pack in Beacon Hills, and in those 3 weeks, I met new friends. I started spending more time with Stiles but only as friends. The wolf in me hates that we are only friends, and so does human me.  Stiles was the only person, besides Liam and Lydia, that understood me and where I come from. But still, it hurts, so I have to gain his trust, I can't make him like me so I have to get him to.

I and Liam were sitting on the couch in the Avengers Tower, watching TV when I felt something wrong. I looked at Liam who looked at me, and I looked at Stiles in the kitchen. He nodded and confirmed he felt it to. "Friday?" Stiles says "Yes sir?" She replies "What's happening right now?" He asks the AI "There has been a breach in the Tower," she says causing all of us to stop what we're doing.

We all run to the front of the tower to see Scott and his "Pack" waiting there

(-Derek and Liam, +Isaac, Erica, no she aint dead, Alec, the new beta)

I look st Stiles who rolls his eye them and their rather dramatic formation. Just then The Avengers come in the tower back from their mission, causing the "Pack" to move back. Out if defense they all raise their weapons "Stiles." Wanda says to him, "I don't know why they're here. I, Jackson and Liam just came downstairs," he says "Why are you here?" I say to Scott "For what belongs to me," he says causing all of us to scoff.

Stiles POV

He doesn't think, I'm that fuckingndumb does he? I know he's talking about me but what does he think I am? Some expandable dumb little bitch who does whatever somebody else wants. No. I'm gonna kill this stupid bitch, "He doesn't belong to you, Scott," My mother, Natasha, says "Yes he does," he says with his eyes glowing.

"That's cute, really. But do you really think you're stronger than me? Any of us really?" Wanda asks "Lets see," he says and charges toward Mom. Easily, she lifts him up with her powers and throws him out the window. Just then Isaac attacks Mom in mid air, where she looks at him and her eyes start glowing red. Not her usual red. But a werewolf red.

A look of shock passes through everyone as Mom grabs Isaac by the throat and tosses him into a wall. She looks back a Scott with a smirk on a face, "Didn't think you were the only Alpha, did you?" She says tilting her head "I just want Stiles back!" Scott shouts "Well, you aren't getting him," she replies in my defense, "Why do you even want me? Thought I was just a Defenseless human?" I say "You are, but I need your help," he says and I launch at him picking him up by the throat. "YOU. DONT. DESERVE MY HELP. AFTER WHAT YOU DID." I shout "AND EVEN IF YOU DID I WOULDNT HELP YOU." I add, "Mischief. Your eyes," Natasha says and I close my eyes and then open them again. "I'm not helping you, Scott. You're gonna have to do it on your own," I say and put him down. "NOW!" Scott shouts and Malia charges at me, her claws out and her eyes blue. I slide 9ut of the way causing her to hit Scott.

He looks at me in shock and I roll my eyes before grabbing Malia by her hair and throwing her into Isaac. Erica looks at me and I shake my head and she nods and stays back "Erica what are you doing?! Attack him!" Scott says "No, thank you." She says as she stands next to mom. Just then Tony shots Scott him his repulsor, "God, that is so cool," Erica fangirls. Jackson uses his tail, and Ties Isaac and Scott together.

Just then, Lydia let's out an ear piercing scream. I look at Lydia she looks at Jackson. I look at him with wide eyes as Scott pushes his claws up Jackson's ass.

//Let me stop playing🤣//

Just then, Lydia let's out an ear piercing scream. I look at Lydia she looks at Jackson. I look at him with wide eyes as Scott pushes his claws into Jackson's chest causing him to go limp. I hear Laim scream as my world stops. I look at Scott and all I see is red. I run at Scott and slash his chest multiple times, I then slash his face before stopping myself as I was about to slash his neck. I am pulled off him by Natasha, "Stop. This isn't you," she says and I look back at Scott "You better pray Jackson is still Alive. Or im gonna have my mom kill you," I say blankly getting off him and walking to Jackson.

With very little hope, I check his pulse. It's very weak but there, I let out a shaky breath. "He's alive," I say and Tony Carries him to the Medical room. I look back to Scott, "Go home. You've done enough trouble," I say turning away "Oh and tell Noah I told him to stay healthy, when you get back," I say finally leaving the room.

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