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We both finish up in the gym and I go take a shower. I turn on the tap, remove my clothes then step into the shower. I lather soap all over my body, wash it off then step out. I don't bother washing my hair, it's not my set hair wash day. Tomorrow is.

I pick out some nice clothes. I'm going car shopping. I pick out black tight fitted trousers, white blouse and a black tailored blazer.

Once ready I head out of my room and into the living space.
"Hey, I'm going out, need anything?" I ask to be helpful and friendly.
"No thank you, where are you going anyway?" He wonders.
"Picking up my new car" i state.
"Okay" he mumbles.
"Your more than welcome to come, I could use some company anyways" I invite him.
"If that's the case then okay, let me get ready, I'll be two minutes" he accepted and headed into his room.

Exactly two minutes later his door swings open and he walks through it. He's wearing black trousers and a tight fit black polo, it fits his body perfectly. As I scan his body up and down I realise I've been staring a long time and he's probably noticed.

"Something wrong?" He quizzes me.
"Nope, I was daydreaming" i gulp.
"Well. Let's go then" he says and opens the door. "Ladies first" he adds.

"I'm driving" I tell him and walk toward my company car. We both get in, buckle up and I switch the ignition on.

"So, what car are you getting?" He questions me.
"Lamborghini urus, and no, it's not because of you, I ordered this car seven months ago" i state. As we stop at the traffic lights I look over at Tristan, his big blue eyes are glaring at me. A nervous feeling jitters in my stomach and I look away. What the hell was that?

We spend the rest of the car ride in a slightly awkward mostly not silence. He stared out the window and I focused on driving. How it should be really, but that wouldn't be much fun would it?

I park the car near by and we commute on the short journey to the Lamborghini dealership.
"Ladies first" Tristan opens the door and points with his hand towards the desk.

"Hi I'm Evelyn. Evelyn Kennedy, I'm here to pay for and pick up my car" i state to the receptionist.
"Okay, follow me this way" she tells us and leads us into an office. Sat at the desk is a slightly balding blonde man in a suit.

He invites us in and tells us to take a seat.
"By looking at your customised order your Lamborghini Urus will cost £192,000. So I'm gonna need your husbands card details and I'll need him to sign the paperwork for the purchase to go ahead" the sales clerk explains.
"Excuse me..." Tristan leans forward in his chair.
"Robert, but Evie isn't my wife, she's my co-worker, so keep your misogynistic instincts to yourself, she worked hard for her money, so I suggest you apologise and hand her the paperwork" Tristan scolds the man and leans back.

The man's confident face immediately flushed with fear.
"I I'm so sorry miss Kennedy, forgive me, here's the paperwork" Robert stutters and hands me the many sheets of paper I'm required to sign. Sign here. Dot there. Blah blah blah. Paperwork is so boring.

I sign the paperwork, pay with my debit card and I'm handed the keys to my new car. I'm excited to drive it.
"Tristan, Would you be able to drive my other car back?" I request. He agrees and I hand him the keys.

The drive back to the apartment is a blast. I turn the music up to full volume and drive as fast as I can.

I drive into the garage door and down into the parking garage. Each apartment gets 4 parking spaces each. Two for each person. I park my urus next to my already parked company car and lock it before heading to the elevators and going into the apartment.

"How was the drive?" Tristan asked while chopping vegetables in.
"Rather fun I must say" I tell him.
"Smooth aren't they?" Tristan speaks.
"Very much" I go on.
"Also, I don't remember you mentioning your name was Evelyn" Tristan teases.
"That's my full name, I prefer Evie though, it's been my nickname since childhood, so I would like if you could still call me that" I request.
"Mmmm, okay Evelyn" Tristan teases me yet again with the biggest smirk on his face. I nudge his elbow with mine and begin chopping the rest of the vegetables with him.

That was one of the first times I have seen Tristan smirk. His mouth curls in the most incredible way.His facial expressions are serious and stern a lot of the time, so seeing his smile (or smirk) is an incredible sight to see.

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