Chapter 6

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Ridley's blood pounded in her ears as she headed straight for Aura Tower. Her shoes smacked the pavements, her hands curled into fists, and she was in danger of grinding her teeth away completely as she marched past block after block toward the Opal Quarter, the most affluent part of the city center. The bus had wound up in a traffic jam about halfway there, and Ridley couldn't handle sitting still knowing she could walk faster than the bus could drive.

The grimy streets and graffitied walls gave way to glass structures that grew ever taller as she neared the center of town. Gigantic screens on the sides of buildings flashed brightly colored advertisements and reminder messages prompting people to visit their nearest clinic or hospital if they suspected a problem with either of their arxium implants. Ridley saw none of it; the screens had become part of the background years ago. Instead, she focused on the words repeating endlessly in her brain—A young man named Shen Lin—as her fury simmered.

When she reached Aura Tower, she slipped past the reception desk in the foyer, ignored the elevator reserved exclusively for the penthouse level, and made her way into one of the others. Archer wasn't at home right now. Ridley had scrolled through the various social feeds after getting onto the bus and spotted three different photos of him eating lunch at De-Luxe on the hundred and fiftieth floor. Apparently he'd been released in record time once the police confirmed that this new evidence now pointed to Shen. It seemed it hadn't taken long for Archer to resume his normal life.

Ridley's anger mounted as the elevator soared upward. It slowed, stopped, and she marched out onto the hundred and fiftieth floor of Aura Tower. She crossed the indoor park that took up half this level, forcing herself to uncurl her fists as two young children watched her with worried expressions.

She reached the other side of the park, stepping onto glossy tiles once more, and stopped in front of the glass sliding doors of De-Luxe. It didn't take long for her to spot Archer. He was sitting with his mother and sister on the far side of the restaurant at one of the tables positioned for the best panoramic view of the city. Filthy liars, Ridley thought as she glared at them. She wondered how much they'd paid their lawyers to fabricate this so-called 'new footage' that supposedly showed Shen stabbing the unknown victim. She was about to march in and confront all three of them when Mrs. Davenport and Lilah stood and headed toward the ladies' room.

Well. That was even better. Ridley would confront the murderer on his own. He'd have no one to hide behind. She walked forward. The glass doors slid silently apart, and the hostess looked up, her welcoming smile already in place. Ridley strode right past her. "Oh, excuse me, you can't just—"

Ignoring the woman, Ridley weaved her way between the tables and slid without pause into the chair opposite Archer. "I can't believe you're letting someone else go to jail for you," she snarled.

"Ridley?" Archer looked around, as if someone might be standing nearby to explain her sudden appearance. All he saw was the anxious hostess, hovering at a respectable distance.

Ridley gripped the edge of the table, leaned forward, and said, "I saw what happened. Shen was nowhere near that alley. You know he didn't kill that man."

Archer nodded to the hostess, who gave him a relieved smile before turning away. Then he faced Ridley. "If you saw what happened," he said calmly, "then you know it wasn't me either."

"Really? And how do I know that? I know I saw someone else running away, but I didn't see whether you did it or he did it."

"Well it wasn't me, so—"

"Then why haven't you said anything?"

"Do you know who it was that ran?" Archer countered. "Did you see his face?"

"Yes." Ridley gritted her teeth. "I saw Lawrence Madson's pasty face."

"Then you know why I haven't said anything. He's untouchable."

"No one is untouchable if they've murdered someone!" Ridley hissed. But as the words flew from her tongue, she had to wonder if they were true. If Archer's lawyers could get him out of this mess, then Lawrence's lawyers could do the same.

Archer leaned back and looked around, probably to check whether anyone had noticed the hostile girl sitting across from him. Or perhaps to see whether his allies—his mommy and sister—were on their way back yet. "Just stay out of this, Ridley."

"I can't stay out of this. My friend is currently in jail because you and your friend have enough money to do whatever the hell you want."

"Lawrence Madson is not my friend," Archer growled, fixing his gaze on Ridley once more.

"Then tell the truth about him being there!"

Archer crossed his arms, his momentary anger disappearing behind a polished veneer of composure. "I have other things to worry about right now. Other things that are, believe it or not, more important than this. So if you saw what happened and you so badly want the police to know the truth, then how about you tell them yourself."

Ridley gaped for a moment, then shut her mouth as she drew herself a little taller. "Fine. Maybe I will, if you're not going to do the right thing."

He made a sweeping gesture with his hand, as if to say, Be my guest.

She couldn't help it. Her mouth fell open again. "You're seriously just going to stand by while your lawyers tell lies for you and an innocent guy goes to jail?"

With his jaw set, Archer said, "Looks like it, doesn't it."

She shook her head. "You're unbelievable."

"Yes," he muttered, his dark gaze focusing somewhere on the table between them. "It would appear that I am."

Ridley pushed herself abruptly to her feet, causing a fork to slip off the side of a plate and the slim vase at the center of the table to wobble. She had plenty of other questions. What were you doing in the alley? What did that man say to you before he died? Do you have any clue what Lawrence Madson was doing there? But she couldn't trust herself to stay here a moment longer without launching across the table and attacking Archer. As satisfying as that might be, it wouldn't help Shen, and it might even land her in a cell next to him. Dad would be furious.

She marched away from the table and back toward the sliding doors. They parted for her, and she continued forward without a glance at anyone else. Tears stung her eyes as she crossed the park, but she pressed her lips together and blinked until they were gone. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long for an elevator. Within seconds, one of them opened, revealing an empty interior. She hurried inside and shut her eyes until the doors slid closed.

She was alone in here. Completely alone. She knew for a fact that the Aura Tower elevators had no interior cameras. Cameras were trained on the outside of every elevator on every floor, but there'd never been anything inside. The Aura Tower residents wanted security, but they also wanted privacy. Which meant it didn't matter what Ridley did in the time it took the elevator to reach the ground floor. No one could see her.

And so she let go of her tightly wound control. Breathing out long and slow, she looked down at her hands. Vibrant blue pulsed through her veins, visible through her translucent skin. She raised her eyes to the mirror on the opposite side of the elevator, and there it was, staring back at her: the reason she would never go anywhere near the police, despite what she'd told Archer.


Bright and brilliant and blue, it glowed in her eyes and shimmered beneath her skin. It rushed through her blood, flickering visibly in her veins. The same magic that existed in the elements. The same magic that should not exist within her own body—and yet somehow always had.

She exhaled and watched the blue glow rise beyond the surface of her skin. In the space of a heartbeat, it became like the air itself, enveloping her in complete nothingness. And by the time the elevator doors opened on the ground floor and Ridley moved forward, it appeared to the confused security guard standing nearby that no one was there.

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