Chapter 20

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"Christa," Archer said, moving to stand beside Ridley. "How was I supposed to tell you? You said it wasn't safe to call."

She placed her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. "True. I did tell you that."

"I thought it was fine to just show up and ask for you. Instead your guys attacked us and tossed me off a balcony. I came this close—" he held his thumb and forefinger a fraction apart "—to cracking my skull open beside the canal."

"They don't know you're on our side. You've only been here once, and someone else was on duty then."

"I knew the pass code."

"You're also a Davenport." Christa gave him a pointed look. "Son of one of the most vocal members of the anti-magic movement straight after the Cataclysm."

Archer gritted his teeth. "I'm not my father."

"I know that. But they don't." She turned her gaze to Ridley then, examining her with one brief, bright green glance before focusing on Archer again. "I heard it was quite an impressive display of magic that saved you."

"It was. Quite a surprise, actually. I had no idea she had it in her."

Ridley glared at him. Nice pun, idiot, she thought.

Christa inclined her head toward Ridley, but her eyes remained on Archer. "Is she ..."

"No. She isn't."

"I'm not what?" Ridley asked.

"Not trained," he said, speaking over whatever Christa was about to say. "But clearly she's taught herself a lot. Look, Christa, we're trying to find someone. A guy named Ezra. He's ..." Archer turned to Ridley. "What does he look like?"

"Short, tanned, dark hair?" Christa asked before Ridley could say anything. "He's the only Ezra I know."

"Yeah, that's him," Ridley said. "Does he live down here?"

"Yes. He's been with us for years."

"Great," Archer said, walking past Christa out of the room. "We need to see him immediately." When Christa made no move to follow him, he looked back over his shoulder. "It's urgent."

"We like to protect our own," she said, "which I'm sure you're well aware of. Just as I would never tell anyone where to find this young lady—" she placed one hand gently on Ridley's shoulder "—I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly where to find Ezra."

"Protecting people is exactly what I'm trying to do," Archer said fiercely, taking hold of the doorframe and leaning back into the room. "Remember what I told you about last time?" His eyes darted for a moment toward Ridley before he added, "It's out there. And Ezra knows who has it."

Christa cursed beneath her breath. Then she stepped out of the room past Archer. "Okay. Walk with me. You can wait in the rec room while I find Ezra."

Ridley hurried after them, her shoes striking puddles of water on the gallery as she shoved everything Archer had said to her into a dark corner of her mind—where she would most likely ignore it. Then she made a conscious effort to push her frustration aside as well. Christa clearly knew exactly what Archer was talking about, while Ridley was still in the dark.

"I assume you didn't know until today that Ezra's part of our community?" Christa said as Ridley reached her side.

"I didn't even know he uses magic," Ridley said. "I've known him for years, and I had no idea."

"Does he have any idea you use magic?" Christa asked. When Ridley shook her head, Christa said, "Well there you go. When it comes to magic, we all prefer to keep our secrets."

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