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'Cause I don't wanna hear about him
How he is holding you better at night
I don't wanna hear about him
And these songs you continue to write
I was with you
when you wrote that line
It was me that you had on your mind
I don't wanna hear about him

Louis stays out all night. I really dodged a bullet there. How serious about evolving can he be when he found someone else to hold the same night?

I don't get much sleep and get up early to go job hunting. I eat a steady breakfast. Niall walks into the kitchen and ignores me. He's still angry.

I browse the unemployment site to find suitable jobs in my field and send away a couple of CVs. I head out at ten and drive around and leave my CVs at every radio station, tv station, and other places I can think of.

When it's close to dinner time I'm exhausted. I stop by the coffee shop near our apartment. I smile when I see Louis sitting at a table engrossed in one of his obscure novels he's always reading. I sit down opposite him.
"Thank God! I have never been happier to see someone in my entire life. You won't believe the day I had. At one of the newspapers, I applied for a job they asked me to define irony. Like, who knows the exact meaning of that? " I smile and reach for his coffee to take a sip.

He doesn't look at me.
"It's when the actual meaning is totally opposite from the literal meaning."

"Yeah, of course, you know that. I should have taken you with me." I grin.

Louis looks around.
"Where's Olivia?"

"What? She's not here." I say.

There's an uncomfortable silence between us. I sigh. Louis gets up.
"I should get to work."

"Come on! Isn't there some statute of limitations on embarrassing incidents?" I say lightly.

He just gives me a sharp look before he walks away. I slump in my chair. Great.

My phone rings and I answer it. It's Olivia. She asks me if I want to hang out in her hotel room and why not? She's not moody and sleeps around. I need someone to laugh with.

I head over to her hotel. We order room service.
"I've been thinking. Wanna show me that documentary of yours?" She asks.

"Uhm, yeah, okay. Really? You don't have to watch it." I say.

"I want to." She smiles.

I always carry a copy with me. Who knows when I get an opportunity to show it to the right people? I plug the USB Drive into her computer and press play. She watches all of it in silence. The last scene is a cake fight between Louis and me a week ago when he tried to do microwave brownies and failed miserably.
"It's not finished." I say.

"It's great! You know what? I know some people at MTV. I could reach out to them. I think this would be perfect for the channel, reality tv documentary." Olivia says.

"Really?" My heart beats fast. I can't believe it.

"Really." She smiles and leans in to kiss me. I let her.

We don't have sex. I'm not in the mood. I spend the night though. I go home the next day to find Niall in the kitchen. I walk up to him.
"I'm so sorry, Ni. I was a real shithead."

"You totally were." Niall says.

"Can you forgive me?" I plead.

"You know I can't stay angry at you for long." Niall replies.

I hug him.
"Come on, I'm treating you to Nando's as promised to celebrate your promotion."

He smiles happily and we head out. Soon he's munching on chicken with a grin on his face.
"I love you, doofus." I say fondly.

"Love you too, dork." He replies.

We head home and spend the night in front of the tv with Liam and Zayn. Louis is still absent but I don't want to ask the guys where he is. I also don't tell them about Olivia's offer regarding my documentary. Not until I know that I have something to show for.

She calls two days later.
"Harry! Great news! MTV is interested. You have a meeting this afternoon. Five o'clock!"

"What? That's amazing! Thanks, Olivia!" I beam.

I spend the day trying out clothes. I'm nervous. This can be my big break. I work myself up to a panic attack. I run to the kitchen to get some water just to find Louis standing there. He freezes but then he sees my state of mind.
"Harry? What's going on? Breathe." He says and puts his arm around me.

"MTV is interested in my documentary." I blurt out.

"That's amazing!" He smiles. Hugs me. I breathe him in. It calms me.

"What if I make a complete fool out of myself? I have a meeting in an hour." I voice my fears.

He grabs my arms and looks me in the eyes.
"You won't. You're gonna walk in there feeling confident because you are so talented, Harry. Dazzle them with that dimpled smile and natural charm. You'll have them spellbound. You've got this!" He says and caresses my hair briefly.

"Yeah?" I breathe out.

"Absolutely." He smiles. Lets me go.

"Okay. Thanks for the pep talk, Lou. I have to get going. Wish me luck." I say.

"You don't need it. You've got this!" He replies.

I head out to the car. The meeting goes really well. I give them permission to make necessary changes, like some sort of intro. They tell me that they will have a screening in a week.

I spend the next couple of days going through my e-mails. I haven't gotten a single interview from any of the workplaces I applied for. That's disheartening but I don't need it. Olivia's lawyers are negotiating my payment for my documentary. Hopefully, it will keep me afloat for a while.

Louis is coming home after work nowadays. Things are back to normal. We bicker and tease each other, driving the rest of the guys insane but we're at least friends again. That's a relief.

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