Sly bunny flustered fox

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- Chapter 2 -

- God please calm down my heart he's too gorgeous-

- Kim Hyunbin POV -

Surprisingly, class ended pretty fast today.

I didn't even realize time was slipping through my fingers.

As much as I would be thankful that luch was near, I couldn't even bear to think I might have to skip lunch because I have to tour this blondie with the booty around campus.

"Ms. Kang can you please come up to the board and answer this question?"

Mrs. Lee said to me as I stood up and walked up to the board answering her math problem.

I couldn't be any more thankful for my brother explaining this to me days prior,

If he didn't I'd probably be dead burried six feet underground rotting and on my way to hell right now.

"Thank you Ms. Kim" She said as soon as I finished answering the question,

I pass by Jeonghan as he was also answering the other question on the board while I make my way back to my seat.

"And... thank you for trying Mr. Yoon, A+ for effort" She said with a smile as Jeonghan scratched his nape seemingly shy and embarrassed at the same time.

"Okay and for your assignment-"

She was cut short when the school bell rang and the students started frantically putting their things on their bags and walking away and joining the busy hall way leaving the classroom a mess.

"God you couldn't wait thirty seconds after the bell rang?" I mumble to myself putting my stuff in my bag.

"What's taking you so long?" Jeonghan said

"Hold your horses, and calm the heck down we have a whole hour for lunch" I said with a scoff and walked over to him by the teachers desk.

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked "the cafeteria first then the campus tour, I'm hungy" He said pouting and putting his hands on his belly.

Pfft- what a child

I put on a disgusted expression same as to what I do with my brothers when they do aegyo and those cringey cute stuff.

"Disgusting shit my man, disgusting shit" I said in english hoping for him not to be able to understand english.

"What? I don't speak english" He said as I laughed,

Oh how god how cute, I just wanna pick him up and keep him in my pocket.

"Nothing, come on we gotta go" I said grabbing his hand in mine and walking off to the cafeteria.


Its been minutes since we arrived at the cafeteria and we just got our food,

I met my friends on the line but they saw me with Jeonghan so they all just teased me for it and decided to give me and Jeonghan 'space' for lunch.

We finally sat down on an empty table.

Jeonghan was all sad and pouty because of the long line and I couldn't help but laugh at his face, he wasn't ugly or anything I just found it somewhat cute. I guess it wouldn't hurt to enjoy his 'natural' aegyo if so.

"Start eating we still have to tour the campus" I told him as we started eating.

It wasn't silent at all as the students talked and it was a bit loud, but not enough to be annoyingly loud.

"Take your time, you might choke, and besides I'm sure I can figure it out by myself even if we don't get to tour" He says.

"So... you're miss president perfect huh?"

He says as I look up from my food to him,

"Well, yes on the Miss president part but not the perfect part" I said.

"Oh ok... sorry I really don't know how to start small talks" He admitted.

Not gonna lie, it was as obvious as a gold fish in a fish bowl.

He was bad at starting small talks.

"It's fine" I said and we continued eating with a bit of awkwardness.

"Oh, by the way, how old are you?" I brought up,

What the hell? KIM HYUNBIN WHAT THE HELL? Stupid to be asking your classmate how old he is he's the same age as your dummy!either the same age or a year older that's the only two options.

He laughed nervously as it peaked my curiosity, until it hit me.

"Ah! You must be younger than me! Thats fine you can call me noona from now on!" I said with a smile and patted him on the head,,

I saw him calm down a bit and smile "Okay then noona" He replied with no objections.

How cute I now have a dongsaeng in my class! I smiled at the thought.

With slow progress we started getting to know each other better throughout the entire lunch hour while eating and boy, he was interesting.

After tons and tons of laughs and talking we were finally back in our classroom for our afternoon class, and as my day couldn't get any better, Jane was in my mucic class.

"Hey Hyunbin noona catch" Jeonghan said tossing me a strawberry milk.

"Oh? Where'd you get this?" I ask him, "I went to the vending machine earlier" He said shrugging and poking his straw on to his drink.

"Ooh~ Nice Jeonghannie" I said giving him a thumbs up and a thank you.

"Jeonghannie Hannie Hannie" I sang, tapping on his thighs constantly getting Jeonghan's attention who sat on my desk.

"Hannie" I said one more time,

Laughing as he looked at me annoyed. Cute.

"From now on I'll call you hannie!" I said proudly,

Since we were literally the only students in the classroom.

"I'm gonna call you Binnie noona from now on too then?" He teased inching closer to my face,

I froze. Pretty. He was pretty.

I broke it off when I felt my face heat up and he laughed,

"You lost" He said. Dumb bunny, I lost because you made me flustered.

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