3 | Ruined Reading Sessions

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(adj.) lasting for a very short time.

For a reason he couldn't understand, Cole's eyes were fixed in her direction every 5 seconds and it was starting to drive Nya crazy.

"Cole! The coffee's getting cold, what are you doing?" She was waving a hand in front of his eyes but his focus was glued on her. "How many times does Vania have to say she's fine before you believe her?"

That got his attention. And just in time too because he was starting to lose feeling in his hand from how hot the beverage he was holding was. He transferred the cup to his other hand and made his way to the table that ordered it.

Cole turned around again, eyeing Vania's sleeping figure in the corner. The top half of her body was bent over the table, his grey hoodie folded to be her pillow, and her purple cloak was draped around her shoulders like a blanket.

He couldn't help but wonder how uncomfortable that position must feel.

And despite his insistence to drive her home, or to the nearest hospital after she spent half an hour in the bathroom, the girl simply refused all his offers and decided she'd rather take a nap and wait for him to finish his shift since,

"I have nothing better to do anyway." She'd reasoned, a little groggy from what Cole assumed as an after effect of her sudden vomitting. 

But he doubted that every minute. Everyone always had something better to do. 

Cole made his way back to his spot behind the counter, walking over to slide the glass door that led to a case filled with donuts and pastries. A pair of silver thongs rested on the inside and Cole was quick to grab a cinnamon roll before placing it on a plate.

When he ducked his head out of the case, Nya stood on his left, her arms crossed and her foot tapping impatiently on the ground. "You didn't answer my question."

"That's because I don't care if she says she's fine. You can clearly see that she's not." He rolled his eyes at her, placing the plate on a tray.

Nya went back to her place behind the register to take another order. A few taps on the screen and her attention was back on Cole, much to his dismay.

"Of all the people to be concerned about the wellbeing of a stranger, I never thought you would make the list." There was a smirk on her face, one that suggested that she was teasing.

But Cole didn't want to entertain her.

Mostly because she was right, he never cared for anyone's health other than himself. So why was he fussing over a girl he just met that may or may not have nearly bled to death in his car?

Perhaps he was starting to go crazy.

"Yeah." He simply said, knowing that if he didn't answer Nya would start asking questions. "Who would've thought?"

"I think you like her."

There were plenty of times Nya's straightforward attitude was appreciated.

This was not one of those times.

Cole rolled his eyes. "We just met. And I barely know the girl."

"As far as I'm concerned, you were late because you were out with her."

"I was only late because of the traffic."

"And yet you brought a girl to the cafe."

Nya was smiling. So much that Cole wanted to tape a napkin over her face so he couldn't see it anymore. Before he could even respond to her accusations, a man dressed in a suit stepped up to the counter.

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