Planning Planning 💍

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AN:Emotions, stress, dominant arousal, brattiness and praise kink


Today was not just a normal for Izzy and Seb. No see, today was the start of wedding planning. The couple of 2¹/² years were finally ready to build a foundation with just the two of them. Children weren't in their future just yet; they wanted to wait until the right time. In the midst of all the planning, it was beginning to get a bit stressful for Izzy. It barely began but she was lazer focused on making sure the guests and groom were happy. She completely disregards herself in the matter. Her wants and needs didn't cross her mind until she made sure she provided everyone else with satisfaction. She was currently sitting in the living room sitting on the lounge chair with her face in the computer planted on her lap. She was creating the invitations and seating charts for the guests.

Meanwhile her fiance, Sebastian was out in the yard fixing the garden and gutters to make everything presentable for the guests who were coming to celebrate the occasion a little bit early. He was honestly trying to make his Bride to be (his mini bridezilla) more stressed than she already was. He tried to stay out of the way most days, unless he was needed or felt her tensing up. "Baby, could you bring me a glass of water please", Seb called from the backyard. She complies and rose from the recliner. She went to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinet for his favorite cup he loves to use. She soon spotted it, rinsed it , put fresh Ice cubes and water in it and finally served it to him. He was now nearest the fence where he was cleaning the weeds and dead insects up. He then spotted her. "Over here, doll" he called, getting her attention quickly.

She walks it over to him and places it on the table next to him. He takes it and thanks her. "Thank You, Doll." "You're welcome babe" , she replies and heads back to her post in the living room. She comes back in , takes off her shoes and settles back comfy into her chair. Seb finally finished up the outside of the house and began to work on the kitchen. By this time, dinner had already been prepared for the night. All that were out, were the leftovers. Sebastian decided to put it away for the next day. Izzy was low-key checking him out as he was completing the task. He decided that he wasn't all too hungry. He ate enough for that day. He'd probably take some to work tomorrow. He was now in the living room standing in the middle of the floor. He was also BLOCKING THE TV. Izzy wasn't sure what to do with that, 😂 so she says "babe, you're not made of glass.*tries moving him*.

"Sebby, you're blocking the tv", she whines. He PURPOSELY ignores her. It turns him on when she gets bratty. "Say please and I'll move". He said while smirking. She rolls her eyes and decides to go back to her recliner and work.- What a big mistake. She was not expecting what happened next to happen. She is sprawled all over the chair; one leg is laid across the arm rest while the other is planted on the floor as continued typing. He finally decided to move but it was to torture her.

"Hey beautiful, wanna play a game with me?" She moves the computer closer to her, knowing where he was going with this. She looked up at him but said nothing. He knew he had so he continues. She types over him. His hand touches her very much exposed thigh. She stops and looks at him and smiles. "With you, sure, I'd do anything. Not knowing what she agreed to, places her laptop closed and moves up a bit from the original spot where she was sitting. She was now on the edge of the recliner, staring down her eager and no good fiance. "What are you up to?" She questions with a bit of hesitation in her voice. He laughed, don't you trust me? I promise it will be fun. Now , come. He reassures her.

"You should take a break, anyhow." Now the game is called Dom Twister with a twist. She slowly turned towards him and began to listen. She is now facing him. "Okay, doll,here's how it works: Simon tells you to do something, but instead of it being wholesome, it's going to be naughty. Say for instance, I tell you to touch your toes, you have to do it but do it to where your ass is poking up, he smiled. Or if I said to get the whipped cream and squirt it in your mouth, you have to do it sexually." She nods in agreement with the terms. Okay?? Go on, she said with a bit of fright. That was all. "Ok Princess, follow me outside." We're going to play this out in the back .🤭😈 He takes her hand in his and leads them onto the grass and they begin.
He placed the mat down earlier in the day so there was no need in procrastination. Who's going first? She asked eagerly. "Well, I'm a gentleman, so ladies first. " Dom says place your right foot on blue. Easy! *places foot on the blue circle* okay, my turn. Sub says left hand on yellow. *he complies*. Dom says right foot on green. She glares confused towards him but complete the task. The green is beside him so she'd have to bend down near him in order to reach. She is behind him though so.... It was a bit rough. "My turn!" She says giggling. Right hand on red she declared. The red was in front of her. He would have to find a way to make his arm reach out that far. "Ooh, you lil bad girl," he said grabbing the placement board. "Right foot , orange. He said with pure confidence. She tries to keep her balance while reaching under him.

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