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I walk into the sound of giggling. It's been a day. Shrugging my jacket off, I walk into the living room to see four grown ass men watching Cartoon Network surrounded by five women, who look like they gave them no choice. "What is going on?" All eyes snap to me.

"Finally! Some more testosterone!" Axel screams.

"Yeah, Big Bad Wolf over here is all cuddled up on the love seat," I tease, and I got his middle finger. True has her legs draped over his as he massaged her feet. I took a seat next to Ana. Her brown eyes looked over at me.

"You're late."

"You're late," I attempt to mock her but ultimately fail. "Whatever. Why are we watching this?" I point to the screen.

"Because we said so," she smarts with a cute smile. I just smile back at her cuz what the hell? You want me to tell her no? You can risk your life. Not me. The movie ends and everyone stretches. True knocked out on Stephen's chest so he took her upstairs first while the rest of us cleaned up, and went to bed. I stalk out of the bathroom, tired as hell, when my phone goes off.

Angel😇💕: busy day?

Me: yup : (

Angel😇💕: anything I can do?

I mean I can think of something.

Angel😇💕: as a friend, of course

Me: you know me so well lol

Angel😇💕: ha ha 

Me: I just need some rest. I'll be back to normal by morning.

Without a second thought, I press the FaceTime button. I stop breathing when her face pops up on my screen, then I bust out laughing. "Nice look, Angel."

"Being beautiful takes effort, you know," she smirks, applying some more of her green face mask. "I thought you had to rest. You know, good as new for tomorrow?"

"A couple minutes won't hurt a guy," I lay on my pillow. Ana wraps up her night routine and soon copies me. Her soft brown eyes drift closed.

"You know, I'm a few doors away right?" Her voice is soft. Practically lulling me to sleep.

"Wouldn't want to give the wrong impression, darling," I chuckle. I see her sleepy little smile, and I can't help but screenshot it. She's so freaking cute.

"You should get some sleep, Bear," my heart stops again. She hasn't called me that since we broke up. I stare at her face on the screen. This girl is asleep.

"Good night, Angel."

"How you feeling, baby?" Stephen asks True for the millionth time. I mean, this guy has checked her temperature ten times within the last five minutes. Stephen's over the moon to have her back. The three of us remained in the kitchen after breakfast. She finally woke up a month ago. It felt like sunshine was back in the house. She started her therapy recently with Stephen as her trainer. Poor girl.

It's also a month since Ana and I have been friends. That word feels so weird when describing her. Admittedly, it's not so bad. Except for the times she laughs uncontrollably, or she talks animatedly on the phone with Mark taking shit, or when she just exists.

Okay, maybe it is that bad.

But.... your boy is thugging it out with smiles and extremely long showers.

"I feel fine," she laughs. "Go do some work, baby. I'll be okay," he doesn't look convinced.

"You sure?" He asks, massaging her shoulders.

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