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From my 2 years of working at the Benbow Inn..

This has to be the busiest day I've ever worked..

《 Y/N POV 》

"Mrs Hawkins!" Is all I heard from who I presumed it to be Mrs Dumwiddie complaining about her juice again as I'm darting from table to table cleaning leftovers from customers who had finished and already left.

"What bring you here, Curious.. little one?" I look up from the table I'm wiping to see Delbert interacting with what seems to be a frog looking little girl. I think nothing of it and continue to clean the table until I hear Delbert yell in disgust, I look over slightly to see a disgusted look on Delberts face as the little girl skipped away to where I guessed was where her parents were seated. I chuckled softly and began serving other customers and starting small conversations with them. But just as I'm about to leave to go to the kitchen the door slams open.

I spin around to see the one and only Jim Hawkins.

Sarah drops a majority of plates creating a loud crash which leads to me covering my ears since they're sensitive.

'That's something I'm going to have to clean up later.' I sigh to myself removing my left hand from my ear while my prosthetic hand rubs my right ear. Finally, I listen into the conversation between Sarah and the two robot cops.

"Yes yes! No I understand but um, could we just-"

"Umm.. Ahem! Pardon me, officers if I might uh, interject here." Delbert clears his throat and tries to attempt to talk to the cops.

"O boy" I mumble to myself.

Delbert walks over to stand beside Sarah and continues to talk " I am the noted astrophysicist Dr. Delbert Doppler. Perhaps you've heard of me?" The cops don't respond and only stare intimidatingly at him.

"No? Uh, I have a clipping." I facepalm myself from his stupidity.

The officer on the right points to Delbert and asks "Are you the boys father?"

"Oh! Good heavens, no!"
Delbert says in shock. To which I stifle a laugh.

Sarah quickly responds "Ew! No no, he's just an old family friend!"

Both cops lean down to Delberts level and shout in his face, "Then back of sir!" Which results in Delbert backing off in fear with his hands in the air.

I was quick to go to Delberts side and say "Ok Delbert, maybe have Sarah deal with it from here!" Moving Delbert away from the drama.

Both cops turn to me and say "Are you a relative?"

I shake my head and "Nope!" Giving the "P" a pop and the end.

Both cops' gaze return to Sarah as they continue "Due to repeated violations of statute 15-C.. We have impounded his vehicle. Anymore slip-ups will readily result in a one way ticket to juvenile hall." The cops state.

The cop pushes Jim towards Sarah as they continue "Kiddie Hoose Gow"

"The Slammo" The other one says.

"Thank you officers.." Sarah gives Jim a hard glare as she says "It wont happen again."

"We see his type all the time, ma'am "

"Wrong choices."


"Losers" The cops say in unison which earns them an annoyed stare from me.

"Take care now!" The right one says raising they're hat a bit as they roll over to the door and leave. There was an awkward silence for few seconds before I decide to lean over to Sarah and say "You talk with Jim I'll handle the rest of the mess."

She looks at me with a grateful look as she walks over to Jim who was cleaning a table to avoid his mothers glance.

I start walking over to the kitchen and push open the doors. I look around the kitchen spotting the broom so I can clean up the mess Sarah made with the plates earlier, not long after Jim walks in with dirty plates and puts them to the side next to the sink. There was silence for a bit until I spoke up.

"Y'know.. You should really stop doing that, its stressing you're mom out." He ignores me and starts climbing out the window to sit on the roof.

I sigh to myself and rub my forehead with my free hand.


Ok Chapter 1 done :]

Comment if you have any questions and ill be glad to answer them.

Ill try my best posting everyday and do let me know if I have made any errors.

Enjoy reading!! Buh byee :]


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