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Its now late in the evening and all customers have left with full stomachs, only leaving their mess behind for us to clean up. While Y/N is busy still mopping the floors, Delbert and Sarah are having a conversation to do with Jim.

"I really don't know how you manage it Sarah.. Trying to run a business while raising a felon like- felon.. Fellow! Fellow like Jim.." Y/N finishes cleaning the floor and glances at Sarah who sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "Manage it?! I'm at the end of my rope! I'm sure this place would be in chaos if Y/N wasn't here to help me!" Sarah sighs. 

"Ever since his father left.. well... Jim's just never recovered. And you know how smart he is! He built his first Solar Surfer when he was eight! And yet he is failing school, he's constantly in trouble... And when I talk to him.. He's like a stranger to me."

Little do the three of them know though, Jim sits on top of the roof with a frown on his face having listened to the conversation about him. He attempts to bury his face in his hands but gets interrupted by the sound of a damaged ship colliding onto the dock a bit away from the Inn. Acting quickly, Jim leaps from the roof and begins running to the ship to see if anyone needs help. Finally, reaching the ship out breathing heavily, he knocks on the window. 

"Hey mister! You're ok in there right!? Mister!" Before he can call out again a green hand woth claws pops out smacking the window. Jim gasps and steps back a bit. Still trying to comprehend what is happening the glass opens up, revealing a turtle like alien collapsing to the ground along with a chest wheezing in pain. The turtle roughly grabbing the end of Jim's jacket bringing him closer.

"He's-a-coming!" The alien just managing to wheeze out before he starts coughing. "Can ya hear him?!" Jim gives no response still looking at the turtle in worry. " Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin'.." Jim attempts to back away but fails as the turtles neck begins to stretch getting closer to his face. "... Like the Devil himself!" The man spat, eventually letting go of Jim's shirt to retrieve his chest. Jim awkwardly looking in the turtles direction putting two fingers on his forehead.

"Uh.. You hit your head pretty hard there, didn't ya?" Jim asks trying to start a conversation in this awkward predicament. The turtle turns still coughing while also grabbing a hold of his chest and holding it protectively.     "He's after me chest.." Looking around, paranoid. "That fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats!" Lifting the chest from the floor faltering to pull the chest onto his shoulder.

"But they'll have to pry from Old Billy Bones' cold dead fingers before I -" He doesn't manage to finish his sentence for he's interrupted by a wave of coughs. He grasps his throat in pain while also collapsing to the ground for a second time still coughing violently.

"Oh my-" Jim stares in worry and rushes to the mans side kneeling next to the man now known as Billy Bones. "Uh, come on, give me your arm.." Jim leans over and grabs one of the mans arms, heaving it up over his own  shoulder as Billy still hold onto the chest protectively. "That's it.." Jim reassures as they both sway back and forth towards the Inn

"Good lad.." Billy weakly says in gratitude.

"Mom and Y/N are gonna love this.." Looking briefly to the shadows moving around in the Inn.


I walk away from Sarah and Delbert to put the mop back in its bucket. "Thanks for listening Delbert.. You to Y/N... It helps.." I look over to Sarah and give her a look of sympathy before Delbert speaks up putting his hand on her back "Its going to be ok... You'll see." I start walking to the door, all this family drama has made me need a fag. "I'm uh, going to go outside for a smoke.." Sarah looks at me with a disapproving look. "Y/N you know how that stuff is bad for you.." I turn around giving her a playful smile. "I know but it helps me relax, so if you need me, call my name.. I'll be outside." I open the door but stumble back in surprise at the sight.


I move out the way as Jim stumbles in dropping the alien to the floor. "Mom he's hurt, Bad!" Everyone shuffles towards the man while I still stand near the door still in a bit of shock.

"Me chest, lad.." He wheezes out, barely loud enough for us to hear, but Jim understood perfectly and immediately pushes the chest Infront of man. He grunts a bit reaching over to the chest and begins typing some code to the chest. "He'll be Comin' soon.." Coughing as he props himself up and reaches in grabbing a circular object wrapped in cloth, shaking his head at himself while staring at it. "Can't let them find this.." 

"Whose coming?" Jim asks looking at the man who seems to be struggling to breathe. Out of no where, the man grabs Jim's shirt yanking him down to whisper into his ear. 

A moment passed since I couldn't hear what the man said, but Jim's face had a look of slight fear. The man gasps and his grip on Jim's shirt loosened as he fell to the floor taking his last breath. Sarah gasped in horror, placing a hand over her mouth in disbelief.  I looked at the now deceased man in terror. "Holy shit.." I say, finally mustering up something to say since this whole ordeal started. I Look over to Jim who now had the circular object in his hand. 

A stream of light manoeuvres over the Inn. I could only presume it was the "Them" the man was talking about so I briskly shut the door, locking it. A load of gruff voices could be heard on the outside so I took a step back from the door a bit weary of the whole situation at hand. I look over to Jim who was taking a peak through the window, before his eyes widen and flick the window back into its illusion. "Quick! We gotta go!" He rushes forward to grab his mom and rush up the stairs.

"Come on Delbert!" I shout while pushing Delbert up the stairs in a hurry as a flurry of rays shoot through the door just barely missing the both of us. "I believe I'm with Jim on this one!" Delbert shouts as he run up the stairs. The familiar smell of smoke wafted through the air as I reach the top shutting the door behind me, also locking that one. I looked over to the window just in time to see Jim push both Sarah and Delbert out the window, Jim following shortly after.

I ran over to the ledge to see them all staring up waiting for me to jump. "C'MON Y/N! QUICKLY!" Sarah shouts in desperation. I turn my head to the door hearing the intruders running up the stairs. 

I mumble to myself before jumping. "I only wanted a fag.." 

I fall into the carriage yelling out apologies to the people I fell onto and position myself to sit into the leg space as Delbert hurriedly got us away giving  Delilah words of encouragement.

I look up to Sarah as she looks away from the burning building of her home. I sigh to myself looking over to Jim seeing him unwrap the circular object revealing it to be a sphere with strange markings that looks to be made of copper. I frown to myself while thinking.

'Jesus, what an eventful fucking day..'


Yayyyy Chapter 2 done :]

I really do hope that these chapters are good and again if you do have any questions just comment and i'll be there to answer them!

Buh byee :]]

WORD COUNT - 《1363》

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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