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  "smile though your heart is aching, smile even though its breaking. when there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by. that's the time you must keep on trying. smile, what's the use of crying? you'll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile."

-smile, nat king cole

« past »

"Shut up Shawn."

Shawn just smirks in reply. "Be prepared to get your ass kicked Stiles."

Stiles glared at him before stuffing a french fry in his mouth. He was currently in the lunch room, waiting for his only friend Scott to get his food, and eat at the lonely lunch table with him.

"I'm not going to get my 'ass kicked' because I am going to do great and get first line." Stiles retorted.

Shawn's smirk just grows. "The more you tell yourself that, the less you believe it. And Stiles, just remember that I am a part of you. So I know exactly how you feel."

Stiles glare softens, as he looks down in realization. The more he though about it, he realized that he doesn't have that much confidence left in him.

He doesn't believe he will get first line anymore.

Stiles eyes shot up and narrowed on Shawn. "Listen up you bastard. I know what you're doing, my dads a cop. Let's not forget that. If you think you are bringing my confidence down then you are dead wrong because I still 100% believe that I-"


A voice interrupted his rant to Shawn. Stiles looked over seeing Scott, and he looked back to see that Shawn had vanished. He sighs and rubs his hand through his buzz-cut hair.

"Who were you talking to?" Scott asked as he set his tray down.

"Just, figuring out a way to stand up to some bullies. That's all." Stiles sighed again, but Scott rubbed his arm in support.

"We'll be okay soon Stiles, one day Jackson will get in so much trouble and who knows he might move to, London or something." As that was said, Scott went back to eating his sandwich.

"Yeah..Jackson." Stiles shook his head and stared out the lunchroom windows, only to see Shawn smirk, taking a lacrosse stick and ball, and throwing the ball up in the air. He caught the ball with the stick right before it hit the ground. "Game on." Stiles whispered to himself.


"Alright guys! Huddle in, huddle in!" Coach Finstock yelled. He blew his whistle and all of the guys in lacrosse huddled around Coach. "Here's how today's gonna go, you guys suck? You will be sitting on the bench this whole season. And if you don't suck? You're first line. So, for all the newbs out there, try not to suck! Let's go!" He blew his whistle again and everyone scattered. "Greenberg don't even try! You'll just be sitting out anyways."

With a determined look on Stiles face, he set of into the field, gripping his lacrosse stick.

He glances back to the stands to see Spencer, Stuart and Shawn smirking at him.

Stuart waves mockingly at him as Spencer blew a kiss.

Stiles huffed and ran with the ball in stick, trying to make it into the goal.

He got knocked down by Jackson Whittemore though.

Eyes wide, Stiles calmly got up, ready to try again.

"Hey! Kid! What's your name?" Coach yelled to the blonde.

Jackson smirks in glory. "Jackson Whittemore."

"Th-that was incredible Whittemore! Are you that good on offense?"

Jackson smiles and stands in line. He grips the stick as a junior was covering defense.

Coach blew the whistle and Jackson went charging. He easily dodged the junior and threw the ball in goal.

Coach laughed in happiness. "Welcome to first line Whittemore!"

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. He gripped the lacrosse stick in anger and went charging after the goal. Surprisingly, he dodged the defense attacker, but when he went to throw the ball in goal...

"Don't mess up Stilinski." Shawn was in front of the goal. It screwed with Stiles' aim, and he ended up throwing the ball 20 meters from the actual post. Stiles stared after it, depressed that he actually did mess up.

The whole team laughed, Jackson the most.

"Kid! What the hell was that! I thought you were good the other day!" Coach yelled after him. Stiles looks down in shame.

Jackson let out a loud laugh. "I guess he was just lucky yesterday."

By the time practice was over, Stiles was very upset. Him and Scott did not make first line.

He got home, and threw his lacrosse stuff across the room.

As he was heaving from the sudden anger that came to him, Stiles felt a presence behind him.

"Leave. Me. Alone." He growled out.

Spencer just chuckles and walks around his room. "Shawn warned you. When you upset one of us, you upset all of us. And then we all want to destroy you're life. Since that was, a very humiliating experience. I would like to say that your freshmen year is officially ruined." She gave a sickly sweet smile.

Stiles whipped around so quick and threw his lamp at her. "Get the hell out of my head! Get out! Leave me alone!" He screamed.

Spencer had a flicker of fear wash across her face.

Stiles was screaming profanities at her, telling her to take her bastard friends and leave. He kept throwing more things in her direction, and sobbing while screaming out words.

Stilinski heard the noises in his sons room and raced up there.

Once he opened the door, his room was completely wrecked. Pictures thrown across the room, mirror was smashed, walls had dents, electronics destroyed. And he noticed a sobbing teen in the corner wall.

"Stiles?" He calmly called out to him.

He lifts his head up a little, he was clenching his jaw while tears streamed down his face. "It's my fault isn't it?"

John looked down at his son. "What?"

"It's my fault she died."

John Stilinski's heart broke in two. He sat down next to him and took the crying boy into his arms. "It is not your fault that she died, it was a genetic trait that she had way before you were born. It-it was bound to happen."

Stiles tears never slowed down. "Dad, I-I miss her."

The sheriff closed his eyes to prevent from tearing up. "Me too Stiles."

The two spent the rest of the night talking about the deceased Claudia, and holding onto each other.

And that was the last time Stiles ever saw his bullies.

For now...


wow. a lot of stuff going on in stiles life. is this how he begun deflecting and using sarcasm a lot? who knows XD

cute little father son moment.

and I really hate the clones right now for what they did.

also what does for now mean?

comment your theories!

I have finals this week but after Friday I have Christmas break until January sixth sooo more chapters! Woo!

vote, comment, share and all that jazz.

see you soon! :)

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