DM (Theo, Blaise, Pansy, and Draco)

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Theo :
You guys...

Pansy :
What's wrong?

Blaise :
What happened?

Draco :
You good?

Theo :
Yeah, I'm fine. I just have something to tell you guys and I don't know how you're going to take it

Blaise :
You're gay?

Draco :
You're bisexual?

Pansy :
You have a crush on Harry?

Theo :
Damn, was it that obvious?

Pansy :

Theo :

Draco :
Are you gay or bi?

Theo :
Gay. I don't like girls

Blaise :

Theo :
You guys fucking bet on my sexuality?

Draco :
We bet whether you were gay or bi

Pansy :
We've kinda thought you were always secretly bisexual or gay

Theo :

Blaise :
It's okay, mate! We accept you!

Theo :
Awww thank you guys so much!

Pansy :
But you do like Harry right?

Theo :
Yeah, more than friends

Blaise :
Dammit now I owe Draco 15 galleons

Theo :
You bet on my fucking love life too?

Pansy :
Boys will be boys

Blaise :

Draco :

Theo :
Now you guys gotta tell me. What about Ginny, Hermione, and Ron?

Draco :
What about her?

Blaise :
So? What about it?

Pansy :
What about Ron?

Theo :
Draco, it's super obvious you like Hermione. She likes you back, trust me.

Theo :
Blaise, I'm not sure about you and Ginny, but you make it super obvious you like her

Theo :
Pansy, well, rons obsessed with you more than he is with food, and that's saying something!

Pansy :

Draco :
I'll tell her this weekend...

Blaise :
I wanna get to know gins better before I pounce on her saying I like her

Theo :
Understandable. Alright im going to hang with Harry

Draco :
Have fun with the chosen one

Pansy :
But not too much fun

Blaise :
Use protection

Theo :
Gee thanks mom and dads

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