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Abbie walked into the living room.

Abbie: Anyone home!?

Lisa: you don't need to yell.

Abbie: Sorry, is KC home?

Lisa: He stepped out.

Abbie: Okay, you wanna hang out with me and my friends.

Lisa: I'm not really in the mood to go out.

Abbie: That's okay we can hang out here.

Lisa: So what's on the agenda?

Abbie: Not much, we talk, order some food, watch a movie, my friends are probably gonna asked you some question about your life.

Lisa: I see.

Abbie: I hope that's okay with you?

Lisa: I guess.


Abbie opened the for her friends to enter.

Lisa: Welcome girls.

Penny: Thanks for having us.

Lisa: It's okay.

Sam: So is your cousin home?

Abbie: He stepped out.

Chloe: I wonder if his doing a mission right now.

Lisa: Uh?

Abbie: Nothing, let's just have some fun.


Abbie: I think that's enough questions guys.

Sam: Yeah sorry.

Abbie: that most be the food.

Penny: I'll go get it.

Abbie: I'll put the movie in, aunty can you get the lights please.

Lisa: So what's this movie about?

Abbie: It's supernatural horror movie.

Lisa: Is that so.

Abbie: You'll like it I promise.

Lisa: why'd you say so?

Abbie: just watch.

The movie starts with two teenagers who walked into a house.

: Hey , meet my brother Ben.

: Hi Ben.

The little brother is seen as younger Cipher.

Ben: Hello.

They where all focus on the movie mostly Lisa.

Lisa: I see what you meant.

Abbie: You have no idea how hard it was to find this movie.

Lisa: You said it was a horror movie.


Cipher was on the ground with a wound on his chest blood coming from his mouth, with what looked like another kid sitting on the ground next to him but with pitch black eyes.

Ben slowly tried to get up with the entity laughing at it.

: You're a strong kid but time end's here.

Ben smile at the entity.

Ben: Coming to conclusion with your death.

Ben: Y-you talk to much.

: You still got a big mouth, I'll fix that.

The entity raised it's hand setting a flame.

Ben: Hey do you think if we knew each other....if w-we would have been friends?

: Maybe in the afterlife.

Ben: See you there then.

Cipher pulled out a revolver making the entity laugh.

: You think you can-

Ben shoot the entity making it's skin eat away before going down coughing blood.

: What is this!?

Cipher eyes had managed to narrow to the entity before Cipher heartbeat slow down.

: I'm gonna-!

Abbie: This movie's going deep.

Chloe: Really deep.

Penny: Uh guys.

They turned to Lisa who looked like she was going to cry.

Abbie: Aunty?

Someone hand's her a box of tissues.

Lisa: Thank you.

Cipher: No problem.

Lisa: Your home.

The lights come back on making them notice the blood on his face.

Lisa: You where fighting again!

Cipher: Here I picked up tissues for you.

Abbie: How'd you know she needed tissues?

Cipher: I got the feeling she was going to cry soon, so I picked them up.

Abbie: You got the feeling?

Cipher: It's like a parent child thing, but it like I'm the parent.

Abbie: I see explain more.

Cipher: I know if mom fells like crying, if she getting worried, if she wants to fall sick, if mom's hungry, etc.

Lisa: I'm kind of hungry, I could go for some-

Cipher: Chinese food.

Lisa: Well ya.

Cipher: It's on the way, I'm gonna go up and lay down.

Lisa: You need to start all this fighting.

Cipher: Will do.

Abbie: Hey KC can I talk to you.

Cipher: Sure.

They follow behind him to his room.

Abbie: So, what happened?

Cipher: Not much, I'm gonna go clean myself and sleep I got somewhere I need to be at midnight.

Chloe: A mission?

Cipher: What do you care, hey Penny.

Penny: Hi.

Sam: He seems to like you.

Penny: It's more like he knows me a bit more than you two.

Abbie: let's get back to the movie.

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