Cooking for her

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It was a little after 5:30 pm when Robin got home. She rubbed her eyes, and yawned. You were sitting on the couch, reading some magazines. You said hello to Robin but she just sighed and flopped down next to you. You turned to her and she gave you a weak smile.

"You okay babe?" You asked her.

"Yeah, just tired. We got a bunch of new tapes in and Steve didn't show up today, so I was pretty busy." She replied half-heartedly.

You nodded and decided you would make Robin her favorite dinner. You got up and she started to fall asleep on the couch as you walked away. You got to the kitchen and riffled through the cupboards for some white rice. You were planning to make egg fried rice. You and Robin had accidentally ordered it on your first date, but it became a special thing between you two.

You started by cooking the rice, and then the eggs and vegetables. You mixed everything up and grabbed some plates. You loaded them up and poured Robin some ginger ale, her favorite. You took the plates and drinks to the couch and carefully walked over to the selection of movies you and her had collected that were sitting by the VHS player. You decided upon Halloween. It wasn't near Halloween time, but you knew Robin would hold you if you got scared.

You got everything ready and then tapped Robin on the shoulder.

"Babe.." You whispered, rubbing her shoulders.

"Yeah?" She mumbled.

"Wake up!" You chuckled.

"Hmm?" Robin asked, opening her eyes. She went wide-eyed as she saw the wonderful meal you had made her.

"Y/N!! You shouldn't have! Shit, it looks AMAZING!!" She exclaimed.

She grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. After a few moments, she pulled away smiling. You two spent the rest of the night in each other's arms.

//okie dokie that was kinda fun to write i guess. HER NEW SONG IS SO GOOD OMG. should i write more angsty stuff?

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