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Stiles walked into the mechanic garage with renewed energy, looking more rested. And smiling.

"You're late, that comes out of your paycheck," His boss grumbled.

"Yeah, nope," Stiles said, his smile widening,"First off, I would like to thank you for the opportunity of working for a lazy bastard like you. I salute you and will cherish the very small moments of neutrality I had with you. And now I quit!"

Stiles dropped his uniform at his former boss's feet and walked out of the garage leaving the man stunned, clicking his heels together.

His next stop was the training gym, the place that he hated the most, but also a place he would miss.

"Are you sure?" Henry asked.

"I'm sure," Stiles said,"Thanks for training me and everything. But I don't think I'll need it from now on."

"Alright, guess I can't change your mind. I'll see you around," Henry said, shaking his hand,"You can still visit if you want, maybe bring Ally."

When Stiles had first started working there, he would bring Ally along when she was six and she'd hang out with Henry's teenage daughter.

"I'll try," Stiles said honestly.

Time Skip

Hope summoned her sword and dismissed it, reading an ancient book written maybe nine hundred years ago.

Still she couldn't find anything, after weeks upon weeks of looking and still there wasn't anything about suddenly becoming indestructible.

She thought back to when it first started, when she had pulled Stiles and Ally from the truck. It all started with them. And Stiles was still immune to her compulsion, and she suspected there was something more to it than she thought.

Standing up, she found herself driving to Stiles's house not caring about the speed limit.

"Hi," She said, walking toward him while he worked on the truck, his hands covered in grease, and Hope struggled to ignore his biceps showing from the short sleeve he was wearing.

"Hey," He said, smiling at her,"What's going on?"

"Okay. I am going to say this in the most respectful way that I can right now. What the hell are you doing to me?"

Stiles blinked several times, obviously very confused,"Huh?"

Hope pulled a gun from her pocket making Stiles back up a step, but then Hope put the barrel against her hand and pulled the trigger, the pop making Stiles flinch.

Pulling her hand away, she showed her hand, revealing the flat bullet, a small ring of soot in the center of her palm.

Now more curious than frightened, Stiles grabbed her hand, inspecting it for any damage, only to see that there was none. Not even an impression on the skin where the bullet had hit.

"What the hell?" Stiles said.

Hope pulled her hand away with a bit of reluctance,"Exactly. I've never been bulletproof. But ever since you showed up, I can't be physically hurt anymore."

"And you think I have something to do with that?" Stiles asked incredulously.

"It's the only thing that makes sense to me," Hope replied.

"Hope, I don't know how many times I'm gonna have to repeat this to you, but I am human. I've only ever been human..." He trailed off, a dark look passing over his eyes, and he shook his head violently like it could erase the terrible memories.

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