Of Gems

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"Jedediah!" The blond cowboy heard a familiar voice from behind him. Jed smiled as he turned around.

"Octy!" He waved.

Octavius ran up to him. "I have a gift," he said.

"Really now? What is it?" The cowboy said, smiling.

"Close your eyes," Octavius instructed. Jedediah closed his eyes. Octavius paced to Jedediah's back, gently putting on a necklace. "Now open them."

Jed slowly opened his eyes, looking down at the newly added weight to his person. It was a nice necklace, to say the least— it had intricate designs of horses and cowboy hats with a blue gem in the middle. He smiled. "Thank ya, Octy. I'll cherish it forever."

Octavius pecked Jed's cheek. "Well.. I have to go now. I just wanted to give you this necklace. I must train my men now. Drive later?" He asked.

"O' course. What I don't understand is why ye're still training yer men— it's not like we're at war," Jedediah said.

Octavius chuckled. "Just protocol, my love." A peck on the lips. "Now, I must leave. I love you." He said, walking back to the Roman diorama.

Jedediah sighed as Octavius left. He started fiddling with the necklace, when he realized something. "Hey," he thought out loud, "Octy's always givin' me gifts.. I barely get 'im any... I should go get somethin' for Octy!" He smiled.

Jed peeked at the neighbouring diorama. It seemed Octavius would be occupied for at least another hour. Huh. Jed thought, strange that so many soldiers are messin' up... oh well.

Jed smirked. He slid down the rope and silently got into the car. He started the car and then headed down to Gems and Minerals.

"Oh hey Jed!" Larry waved at the tiny cowboy. He looked in the car. "Where's Octavius?"

"Oh, he's just trainin' his men. I was gettin' bored, so..." Jedediah explained.

"Alright. Just be extra careful, Octavius isn't here to stop you from being stupid." Larry said.

Insulted, Jed took off.

"Wait— Jed no— that was a joke— ...nevermind..."

Jed pulled into the Gems and Minerals area. He got out of his car seat, entering the exhibit.

Immediately, Jed was in awe. There were so many gems— it was the Gems and Minerals exhibit, after all. But still, it was enchanting. There were emeralds, quartz, amethysts, and diamonds. Which one would Jedediah pick?

He looked around for a moment. Hmm, Jedediah thought. It would be nice to give him a diamond.. but I can't quite reach it. Wait! Jed jumped up. The diamond was still out of reach. He tried climbing up, but the surface was too smooth. Jed frowned. Nevermind.

He sighed. The diamond was out of reach, so were the emeralds... I guess I just have to give him quartz and amethysts. Jed jumped up and took a small part of the amethyst. He didn't want to be yelled at by Gigantor, now did he? Jedediah grabbed some quartz— it wasn't exactly the star of the show— and returned to the car.

He carefully placed the newly acquired gems in the trunk.

Jed slid into the front seat, and slammed on the gas. He whooped cheerfully as the car flew down the hallway.

His cheering was short-lived.

The car stopped. Jedediah frowned. He tried pressing down on the gas harder. "Please... please!" He grumbled. Jed sighed. "Great timing, ain't it?" He deadpanned. He got out of the car slowly and got the gems from the trunk— it was okay, he could leave it there. Gigantor would understand, Jedediah thought.

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