4 | Summer of Love

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* A    F  E  W    H  O  U  R  S    L  A  T  E  R *

D  A  N  I  E  L

I can't move. There she is with Johnny. She was kissing him. I can't watch anymore. So I run away. Away from him. Her. Everything.

A  M  E  L  I  A

"Johnny!" I yell, pushing him away from me. "You can't seriously choose that twerp over me!" "Don't talk about Daniel like that!" "You love him, don't you?" I look down at my feet. Johnny scoffs. "He can't give you what you want. I can." "I don't want money. Or you." "Why?" "You're a horrible person. You hurt people for fun. You hurt me for fun." "But I want you back!" "Well. Read my lips, Lawrance. I. Don't. Want. You. Back." He just gets up and walks away.

"I should probably go to Daniel's," I say to myself. I grab my skateboard and over to his.

* T  I  M  E    S  K  I  P *

Knock, knock. The door opens, and Ms. Larusso appears. "Hey, honey." She says with a faint smile. "Hi, Ms. Larusso. Is Daniel home?" "Oh, I thought he was with you." "No. He isn't." Then I hear a big bang and it sounds like it's coming from the back alley. Ms. Larusso and I head down there to see what the cause of the sound was. Daniel.

I run to him. "Oh my gosh. Daniel, are you okay?" There's an open gash on his forehead. "Don't talk to me." He says. I stand there. Did I do something wrong? "Who did this?" I ask him. "Your boyfriend. Who d'you think did it?" I scrunch my eyebrows, confused. "My boyfriend?" "The dipshit." "Johnny's not my boyfriend." Daniel scoffs. "You act like I did something wrong," I say, trying to keep my cool. "You did." "Just tell me then." Why's he being so difficult? "You two." "What are you talking about?" "Don't lie. I saw you."

My eyes widen in realization. He saw us. "Daniel..." I try to talk but nothing comes out. "What happened? Cat got your tongue?" He starts walking away but I catch his hand. "Just leave me alone. Okay?" He wriggles his hand out of my grasp, runs up the stairs, and slams the door.

His mom follows his footsteps upstairs and I'm left there. I messed it up. I messed everything up. Daniel hates me. I hear a bike behind me and I don't dare to turn around. "Now he'll never love you." Johnny's voice lingers in my ears. He doesn't leave. He wants a reaction out of me. I hear yelling, probably coming from Daniel's apartment. A tear rolls down my cheek.

I can't take it anymore. The pressure. Hate. Love. Want. Need. I turn around and punch Johnny right in the nose. My fist hurts. But I don't care. "SHUT UP!!!" I scream at him. He rides away. Suddenly my legs feel weak and I fall. I feel weak. And I can't stop the tears from coming.

When my senses come back to me, I get up and pull Daniel's broken bike out of the garbage. I head to Mr. Miyagi's hoping he'd still be up. Knock, knock. I wait for at least half a minute but he doesn't answer. I start walking back when I hear a door open and I turn around to see Mr. Miyagi looking sleepy.

"What you doing alone so late?" He asks. It takes everything I have not to start crying. "I um...Daniel broke his bike. I was gonna fix it but I..." Hold it in. You can't cry. Not now. "I don't really know how to...how to fix a bike." There's a long pause before he says that I should come inside. As I walk into his shack, the warm air pushes through my body and sends me chills. "Sit." I sit on a wooden stool and smooth out the edges of my now dirty dress.

"I heard shouting and talking." Here we go. "That was you?" "Yes." My voice cracks when I talk. "What happened?" I take a deep breath and start talking. "I messed everything up. With Daniel. He hates me. I don't blame him. He's hurt because I hurt him. That hurt me. I hate to see him like that. But it's all. My. Fault." Mr. Miyagi sighs. "I'm sorry that happened to you but is not what I asked. What happened?" "If I tell you what happened I'll cry. I don't wanna cry." I say, my eyes watering. "Tell me." He insists. "I listen." Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. "So, Daniel and I...well we-" "Kissed?" My face suddenly feels hot. I'm blushing for sure.

"Yeah. I've kinda had a crush on him since the first day we met. When we...kissed, it was sort of an acknowledgment that we both liked each other. Then Daniel's bully-my ex boyfriend-came over to my house and he...kissed me. Daniel saw us. I pushed Johnny away. But I don't think Daniel saw that part." Mr. Miyagi nods his head.

"I came over to see him after that. His mom said he wasn't home. We heard a bang in the alley. I ran to it. Knew it'd be Daniel. I saw the gash on his forehead. Johnny did it. I don't know exactly what happened." I start choking up again. Just breathe. "He got mad and..." A tear rolls down my cheek. "I don't-I didn't want to hurt him. Why would I want to hurt someone I love? Somehow I always manage."

"You love him?" "Well, I mean, yeah of course I do..." I love him. "That's why he is angry. He loves you too." I stare at my lap. I never really thought about it like that. But why would he love me? "Can we fix the bike?" I ask, turning my head to look at Mr. Miyagi. "Hai. Tomorrow. Go home." I nod my head as I get up and walk out the door. 

D  A  N  I  E  L

"Ma, I just don't want to talk about it!" I yell, slamming my door shut. I kick my laundry basket and everything falls out of it. How could she do this to me? My eyes start to water but I bite my lip to stop myself from crying. Then one stray tear falls down my cheek. I don't bother wiping it away. "Flipping piece of shit," I mutter, punching my wall. Why does it hurt so bad? I fall onto my bed and curl up into a ball. The last thing I hear is the faint shut of a door. 


Hello! I'm just going to make this short. Don't forget to vote, comment, and if you wanna know each time I update you might wanna follow me. Have a GREAT day!


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