Chapter 21

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"Hogwarts battle has come to an end, We lost many witches and wizards that day. but most importantly, we lost our friends, our family, the people we grew up with.."


well, that was two months ago. Even though it was hard, everyone slowly moved on. After the castle recovered, you and your friends went back to finish your last year.

those two months made you realized, even after many many months of trying, you've failed to ever stop loving the son of the Dark Lord.

On the first day back, you found yourself looking everywhere for him. But, no luck.

"Sorry Vermoox, but we hadn't seen him since forever." a Slytherin said.

"oh, where had he gone?! was he afraid that the school would turn on him? or maybe he'd chosen to go with his father? was he planning a revenge on Hogwarts for killing his father?" those worry thoughts swirl in your head the whole day.

You lay on your bed, looking at the same ceiling you've had for the past 6 years.

Not being able to sleep, you quietly teleported to you and Riddle's lake spot. you sat down close to the big tree, facing the river stream. The moonlight reflected on the water beautifully.

You looked up from under the tree to see a branch that had paper tied to it with a red string.

Feeling curious, you stood up on your tippy toes to have a better look and saw that it was something you and Mattheo had hung up a few years back.

it was a piece of parchment paper that had the writings "Riddle + Vermoox" on it.

That was a very long time ago, how is it still there? wouldn't it be blown of by the wind, or washed away by the rain by now? it was like magic.

It was there. Still there, a flimsy piece of paper tied to a weak branch by a single red string.

You looked at it with a soft smile as tears start to roll down.

"Where are you? please comeback to me."


Even though you tried our best to focus on your studies, you grew to miss him everyday.

You just finished a class with your head down on the table as you mourn.

"alright, what is going on, y/n?" Penny asked, grabbing your hand to take you outside the classroom.

"I'm just really tired."

"Y/n, i know you miss him, but you need to start getting your head up, at least until we graduate, okay?" She gave you a warm hug to make you feel better.

you felt very lucky to have a friend like Penny. You took her advice and tried to keep up with school better.


Months have passed now.

you and your girl friends did some group homework session in the library together, before Pansy walked up to your table.

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