Chapter Five

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Harry's POV

I gathered my things before meeting a hyper Niall in the living room. "Ni must you always be so energetic", I giggled at my blonde bouncing friend. Today was the day Niall and I were going to meet Louis at the café, I was nervous as hell especially since he mentioned bringing a friend of his. Nervous because he was a football jock and so I assumed his friends were one as well meaning stuck up and rude. "Niall do you know where my keys are?", I asked getting a simple shrug in return, I quickly spotted them on the kitchen counter. "Thanks for the help jerk", I muttered.

"Lets go" he yelled already in the hall not even hearing my complaint.

After driving for what felt like an eternity I saw the nearly empty café, pulling my silver car into the available space I noticed a black similar car pull in right next to me. I wouldn't have noticed if the people inside the car weren't blasting that god awful music. I look over and see my Irish friend roll his eyes in annoyance obviously wanting them to turn it down as well. I sighed and climbed out of my car slamming the door a little more than necessary, deciding not to care I walked to the inconsiderate pricks window and motioned for him to turn his music down a notch. I crossed my arms growing angry as the guy inside decided to ignore me.

Niall joined me and mumbled, "his windows are to dark for me to see who this bitch is." Slowly but surely the driver rolled his black tinted windows down just enough for me to see him.


"Calm down Styles", the driver inside said in his light airy voice, "we just wanted to tease you a little don't get so worked up." Louis stepped out of the corvette, I noticed he was quite short compared to me and wow did he look stunning. I found myself staring at his black toms making my way up to his faded skinny jeans, he was wearing a gray and black fitted shirt that clung effortlessly to his chest. I was standing there memorized by how beautiful he was when I was interrupted by a few giggles and Lou clearing his throat.

I met his eyes, he lowered his sunglasses just enough for my to see his glorious blue eyes looking back, "like what you see?", he smirked challenging me.

I blushed and laughed, I recovered quickly, "hm maybe I do Tomlinson, maybe I'd like to see what's underneath", I challenged back. 'What the heck Harry?!' I cursed myself hoping he wouldn't get freaked out. I caught him blushing taken aback by my comment before regaining his posture.

I honestly hadn't noticed the other lad who had gotten out of Louis' vehicle until I heard him say, "lads are you ready to go inside or should blondie and I let you two finish eye raping each other?" He was laughing along with Niall. I shot Niall a glare before leading the way inside.

The moment we got inside the café, a warm sweet smelling sent filled my nose making me smile. A bubbly red head greeted us with a warm smile before eyeing Louis up and down like he was a piece of meat. Jealousy filled my body but left quickly when I mentally slapped myself. Harry what the hell were you getting jealous for, Lou isn't yours besides he isn't gay so if he wants the waitress then fine. The-guy-who's-name-I-still-don't-know slipped the waitress a look that I couldn't quite describe but the moment he did she slouched and flipped her hand, not even bothering to fake a smile, signaling us to follow her to a red booth in the back. Okay that was weird.

"So Louis..this is my friend Niall, Niall Louis", I introduced him with a nervous smile after we had taken our seats, Niall and I on one side while Lou sat next to his friend opposite of us.

"This is Liam. Liam, this is Niall and Harry", the kid, who I now knew the name of, grinned and shook both of our hands holding, Niall's a bit longer than necessary. Hm I wonder if Liam likes my Ni? I actually liked the idea, they would be cute, although if it turns out Liam was a trouble maker it wouldn't be good. Niall, the energetic ball of endless fun, needed a partner who was somewhat responsible and could deal with Ni's cuddling nature. Plus he doesn't seem like the gay type. I was pulled from my thoughts by the waitress setting our drinks on the glass square table and quickly scribbling our orders down before scurrying off.

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