Welp shit shes angry. Now what nii nii the hell u gonna go do now m8. Uggghhh we'll just delete this book later i guess. But right now the hell r we gonna do. Hmm so life sucks right now but thats normal. What else oh i know how about i hate all . Yep thats it. Ok so lets get bac on track nii nii. The hell wr gonna go do now. Cant really go say sorry because aint nobody goona accept ur lame ass sorry and pathetic try. Well idk what to do. Well tbink u idiot. God dammit. Hey u know what thus is actually kinda fun and i might start writing a boom. HEY GET BACK OM TRACK DAMMIT. Ok ok jeez ok so idk what to do uhh lets go bac and say uhh sorry for snapping at u i am a fuck face and beg and beg in ur mind for her forgiveness because letd be honest here nii nii. Do u really want her to mad at u for a stupid reason like u. Well no but-but nothing idiot just go apologize and try and make things up or something. Ok ill go now then. Oh and nii nii one more thing. Yes nii nii what is it. Yeaaa....... about the whole gonna delete this thing yea im too lazy to do that right now so ill do it later and whrn i say later i actually mean probably never. Oh well bai self