Soooo yea fuck life and all. No more friends lost a bunch of those yea that was fun. Cant really remember why im still here because i do remember saying and actually convincing myself to end it all but that obvisly didnt hapen.. oh yea now i remember i found that special something that keeps you going so you stop... only to have to ripped out of the gapping hole i now call a heart... so that sucks i guess. Dont really know what else to do. Dont really have those peoples that i can to a talk bout shit anymore so what now. They said " oh dont worry it gets better. You just have to wait" well i hate to say it but they were right but what they forgot to mention is that right when it gets better and you feel so good it gets ripped right out of your hands and it only goes downhill from there and it only gets worse and worse till you end up farther gone than you were before. So what do i do now feel free to leave those nonexsittent helpful comments oh and those hate comments saying " kill ur self fagget" are also welcome. if ur afraid to talk or feel " oh he never wants to speak to me again" dont feel that way because im on such low amount of friends im taking everybody so plzz talk to me again peoples. That means u yea u all know who u are yep its u.
So again what now y am i still here. Ok how bout this ill set like a time limit or something uhhh 2 weeks before i do something badddd yea ima do that well its ul to u people to know what im talking about so peaceeee niinii ouutttt