Sweet Pea

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The girls could hardly believe it, they were just made official princesses, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo had been adopted by the King and Queen of Equestria, one minute ago, they were ordinary servants of the castle; the next, princesses, and it was all thanks to their new sisters, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, the girls didn't know what their new life had in store for them, but it would certainly be better than the last one they had and hey, maybe they could finally earn their cutie marks, one thing's for sure, they were going to enjoy every bit of their new life together with their new family, Tender Taps, a colt with an orange coat, two-tone purple mane and tail, purple eyes, and a cutie mark of a top hat and spotlight, lived in the town of Ponyville with his aunt and helped her run an inn, every night before he would go to bed, he would read tales of far-off places, sometimes, his aunt would catch him late at night still reading, but she would join him to read the stories to him just so he could finally go to sleep, Tender Taps wished with all his heart that he would go on an adventure someday, but he was stuck on where he was at in the meantime, a grey pegasus colt with jet black hair named Rumble lived up in Cloudsdale with his older brother; both had to take care of themselves, this ambitious colt always found trouble and got into fights with other colts, he tried so hard to prove himself and wanted to escape the life he was living in, on an island kingdom not far from Equestria lived a king and queen with their son, Prince Button Mash, the prince was an anxious colt and very energetic, he spent most of his days playing games and practicing his sword fighting, it was until his mother brought up that someday he would have to get married, the idea grossed him out, but his mother knew better, one day, he'd grow to like the notion, but until that day came, Button Mash will just keep on playing his games, not thinking about any girl that would hold his interest, Sweetie Belle slept in her huge canopy bed while the door to her room slowly opened as eight figures entered the room, casting their shadows on the floor, Sweetie moaned out of her sleep and saw a pink pony in her face, which woke her up with a start as she screamed her head off 

familiar voice: Surprise 

The lights were turned on as she could see all of her sisters around her bed, she gasped as she smiled widely  

Sweetie Belle: You're here, but, I thought you said in your letter you wouldn't be able to make it to my birthday party 

Applejack: Oh, Sugarcube, we only said that so you could be surprised 

Pinkie Pie gleefully: Were you 

Sweetie Belle: Was I ever 

Rarity: Now why would we ever miss our little sister's sweet sixteen, such an occasion must be celebrated 

Sweetie Belle: But what about------ 

Twilight: They're downstairs, waiting for you 

Sweetie got out of bed as her long pink and purple mane flowed down to her shoulders, she looked at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, who grew as well in the last six years since their adoption into the royal family, Apple Bloom had long red hair and didn't have her pink bow anymore, instead, she had pigtails, Scootaloo's mane grew, too, and all three of them had gotten their cutie marks shortly after they became princesses, she walked towards the door and went out to the stairway overlooking above the lower level, there stood her parents and her brothers-in-laws 

everyone: Happy Birthday, Sweetie Belle 

Sweetie Belle blushed: Oh, my gosh 

Scootaloo: See 

She wrapped her foreleg around her 

Scootaloo: Just like my and AB's sixteen birthday with every pony showing up 

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