Sweet Pea

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Button Mash: Come on, just give me one little hint 

Button begged in his parents chambers 

Queen Love Tap: No, Button 

Button Mash: This is my future wife we're talking about here and I'm not allowed to know what the tests are, I have a right to know 

Queen Love Tap: You just have to trust me on this, I know what I'm doing for your benefit 

Button Mash in his mind: You mean your benefit, my benefit would be if I knew what Sweetie Belle is going to be facing 

Queen Love Tap: Now, we're done talking about this, and you need your rest 

Button sighed in defeat, knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere tonight and slumped out, Cinnamon Swirl saw his son's disappointment 

King Cinnamon Swirl: I'm going to get a snack quick before going to bed, dear 

Queen Love Tap: Alright, but don't take so long like last time when you ate those carrots 

King Cinnamon Swirl chuckled: I won't, dear 

He gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading out, once he did, he called out to his son  

King Cinnamon Swirl: Hey, Button 

Button turned back to face his father 

Button Mash: Yeah, Pop 

King Cinnamon Swirl: Your mother may not want to tell you, but she didn't give me a rule to not tell you 

Button Mash: Really 

His eyes widened in hope 

King Cinnamon Swirl nodded: Listen, the first test will take place tomorrow afternoon in the throne room, it's going to test the princesses knowledge on what she knows about being a princess 

Button Mash: That's it 

King Cinnamon Swirl: Pretty much 

Button Mash: I don't get it, Pop, why is she so overprotective about this contest, doesn't she want me to be happy 

King Cinnamon Swirl: Of course she does, everything she does is only for your well being 

Button Mash: Then why can't she trust me to find the right girl for myself 

King Cinnamon Swirl: It's not so much as she doesn't trust you, it's the mare she wouldn't trust, you're going to have to cut your mother some slack, you are her only son 

Button Mash: Then why didn't you have more kids 

King Cinnamon Swirl: We wanted to, but after you were born, things had gotten so busy we hardly had a chance to try, being exhausted every day of raising you and running the kingdom didn't help 

Button Mash: Oh, you know, I've been wanting to know for some time, but how did you and Mom fall in love 

King Cinnamon Swirl: Well, there's not much to tell, as you know, your mother was a princess and it was her destiny to be the next queen of Marendelle, I was a young regent traveling Equestria and the lands surrounding it, I don't want to brag or anything, but I was quite the swash buckling hero in my day, fought off a few pirates, saved ladies in distress, and found some amazing treasures that you see in a museum now 

Button Mash: Pop, the story 

King Cinnamon Swirl: Right, sorry, anyway, I stopped in Marendelle one day due to a storm going on, and being tired from my journey, I seeked shelter at the castle, your grandfather, the king, didn't believe me that I was of noble birth, but he was kind enough to let me stay until the storm had gone away and I had the privilege to meet his daughter, it may be hard to believe now, son, but your mother was the most beautiful creature I ever laid eyes on 

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