Introducing yourself in this novel cuz why not

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Author : Okay so.... I'll be introducing yourself or how you look like in this novel cuz why not

Name : Y/N Uchiha

Age : 18 years old

Personality : Same as Sasuke

Description : Nothing to write here

Species : Human

Nickname : (Your nickname), and Sakura 2.0 [Since people in the Konoha keeps call you Sakura 2.0]

Ninja rank : Genin

How you look : Had a same hair color as Sasuke, same eye color as Sakura and same hair style as Sakura

Your hair color : Same as Sasuke

You're uniform : [Same as Sakura as well since she gave you her old uniform]

You're uniform : [Same as Sakura as well since she gave you her old uniform]

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Your Power type : Same as Sakura

Chakra average : Same as Sakura since you haven't awaken your sharingan

Secrets that you kept about yourself : No one knows that your Sakura's Oldest Daughter since Sakura does not want everyone to know that you're her eldest daughter

Still haven't awaken your sharingan

You always knew about people's secrets

Info about yourself : You clearly likes ramen, onigiri, juice, sleeping, and milk. You're a bit lazy but still helps people

Lines that you often use when you fight : "I might be a human but.... I can end your life." - Y/N

"Channaro!" - Y/N

"Hmp! It's better to fight with my own fist than with a sword." -Y/N

And that's all you can read got today [Had to charge it since had to pay for an order that I brought in shoppe]

Date of the public : 08/17/2022
Date that the Author edited the chapter : ???

The End

Time Traveled to the Past.... |Kny x Naruto x F!Y/N Uchiha (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now