Chapter 12: Poison Ivy

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We finally had a run in with another one of the bigger villains in the Batman realm. The Bat signal was lit up one late Spring night, and we all geared up quickly and met with the Commissioner on the roof of the building.

"What have you got?" Batman asks Jim as soon as we arrive.

"Poison Ivy is back. She's planting spores of some type all over the university. We can't identify it, so our men can't get close in case it's lethal, which knowing her, it is. She already ensnared a dozen men." Jim says, handing over a plant sample in an evidence bag. Batman takes it and analyzes it before handing it to Robin.

"A university? Doesn't seem like her normal M.O." Batman observes.

"They have a new botany program there, actually." Jim says, and that's all we need to know for now. He goes on to say more about who was already caught and how fast it's spreading, but we're already gone by then. I seriously love doing that, just leaving people mid-conversation. 

We get in our respective rides and head to the university, stopping before getting too close.

"Robin, you're with me on infiltration. Shadow, take perimeter." Batman orders to us.

"Perimeter again?" I say with a sigh. This happens often to me, I usually get the outside thugs who are easy to take down while Batman and Robin swoop in for the bigger fights. I completely ended missing out on the first fight with the Riddler because of that. It's getting boring, especially since I swear I've now been seeing the same thugs appearing twice now, somehow constantly escaping or being released from prison.

"Just keep the others away while we deal with Ivy." Batman responds with a growl. I can see Jason frown at that, he also wants me to be fighting the bigger fights since he knows I'm strong. I just shrug to him in defeat and go to take on the perimeter.

I find and take down the dozen scattered guards easily. They were each just by themselves, and kind of mindless, like they were zombies. I can only assume they were just civilians under some of Ivy's poison or something. I tied them each up and left them where they were, then decided to see how things were going inside. 

I slunk through the shadows, careful not to touch any of the giant vines that covered the floors or walls. When I got to a giant greenhouse, I just rolled my eyes at what I saw. Both Batman and Robin were trapped in the giant vines, and Ivy was blowing some type of poison dust in each of their faces. I watched as they both slumped, and for a second feared it was some type of death causing dust when I saw them both look at her blankly again.

 I watched as they both slumped, and for a second feared it was some type of death causing dust when I saw them both look at her blankly again

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"Now, there's a good pair of toys. You work for me now." Ivy gloats to them while she stroked Batman's chest.

"Yes, Ivy." They both replied monotonously. 

I start to think on what to do to free them, but before I can, I accidentally step on one of the vines as I back away. It wraps around my foot and launches me towards Ivy. I cut the vine, but was quickly wrapped up by several others and effectively trapped alongside my brother and Batman. I can't believe how badly I just messed up because now I'm caught just the same as them.

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