07│ Want Him

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Jimin pov

I really don't know what makes Y/n feel heart broken.. She always seems to be a bold girl.. Who always gets what she wants.. Whatever it is.. If she wants sometimes she will do everything to get that..

I thought that would also happen when it comes to her marriage.. But look now she is married to Kim taehyung.. She doesn't even like him.. I am really upset thinking about her..

When she comes into my life.. I became really happy.. Where the past things are making me depressed she makes everything depend on that happiness.. Sometimes I wonder if she has magic powers or what..

She always plays around me as a little chubby girl.. Who plays around their father.. Yes..when she is with me i feel like i am something to her.. I just don't know why..I look aside to see she is leaning towards the window.. With a blank face..

This is not the yn that i know...she completely changed.. Within one month.. How can someone change like that..Maybe it's everything about him...The days when she began herself..

Just like a butterfly.. Fly all around whatever she wants...As soon as we reach home.. I call her out.. "Yn.. We are here.." She slowly raises her head from the window and looks at me..

"What about.. Mom?.." She asked with a worried voice.. "Don't worry I told her that you are coming.." I said, she nodded her head and got out and went inside.. As well as me too...


Author pov

The cold breeze touched her face.. They brushed her soft hair... She closed her eyes, feeling the fresh air.. She placed her palm on her invisible baby bump.. And whisper...

"I want to see you soon.. But I wish,The problems will finish before you come." Before she couldn't go further.. Jimin enters the garden with a tray with food.. He has a smile on his face..

He placed the tray on the garden table.. As she went beside him and sat on the chair and Jimin sat opposite of her..

He poured tea on the cup and gave it to her, which she took from him with a smile..She drank it and enjoyed the hot tea.. But Jimin's sudden question made her startled...

"What is really happening with you..? And what's all happening..? Do you forget him..? Why do you agree to this marriage..? And for what reason is Taehyung making you cry.." This all question stabs her heart..

That she also doesn't have an answer for that.. She sighs that she knows if he tells that he can help her but still she is a little scared...

"Yn.. I know maybe it is not easy to say those things.. But it will help me to help you.. So please.. I don't want you to get hurt by all these things around you.. Just let it all out to me.. I will always be there for you no matter what. I will stay by your side.. Trust me.. "

tears left her eyes after hearing him.. As she nodded her head and asked.. "Have you heard what me and taehyung are talking about
early.. Hmm..?" He frowned at her question and shook his head and said..

"Hmm..?.. No.. I didn't hear anything you both were talking about.. I just saw you are crying.. And I got to know that you are married to Taehyung through social media..Taehyung.. What is that about...?

As he said yn aware that jimin doesn't know anything except the marriage...so it will be hard forher to tell all to him.. But still she needs him by her side..

"Oppa.. I know.. You didn't expect anything like this from me..but what i am going to tell is the truth.. I know you will stand with me.. And I truthfully told you a lot.. That's why I am opening up with you.. I am married to kim taehyung just because appa threatens me.. He said he would end his life if I didn't agree to this marriage and I had no option left after what happened with my life, as you know...And also he tricked my appa verywell.. I don't know what that was..And now.. Now.. Now.. I.. I.. I am pregnant.."

She said last words with tightly shut eyes because she didn't want to see Jimin's shocked face..as soon as she completed her words a loud gasp left from Jimin..

His eyes went open like a plate..his throat became dry.. He had nothing to say after hearing that..Yn slowly opened her eyes to witness by a shocked face jimin.. She bit her lips out of nervousness...

"oppa.. I know you are shocked.. But please don't go mad on me.. " she said in a hopeful voice that he won't say anything against her.. As he clears his throat and tries to speak out..

"Hha.. Wh.. Yo...Hhaa...Yn.. Wha.. What are you saying..are you serious about it..?.." As she nodded her head and said while looking down.. "It's true.. Now it's become 1½ months.." Jimin frowned and asked.

"But it only began one week after your wedding.. Then-" he got cut off by yn.. She shouted a little bit in anger , thinking that the baby was taehyung..."OPPA!!... What are you saying...it's not taehyung's baby.. "

Jimin again frowned but he understood what she was talking about as again a gasp came out from him and he began to be shocked..."So you are carrying your boyfriend's baby.. Yn.. " yn nodded her head and said..

"Yes it is his baby.. And you know everything So.. Help me out of this.."Jimin sighs and asks.. "Does taehyung know about this.."

"Hmm.. He knows.. He was the one who found that first on our wedding night.. And on that he assumed as a sult..And he abused me about that.. And he.. He.. Even.. Even.. Try.. Try to abort my baby..."

a little drop of tear left her eyes.. As she wiped that away...as Jimin gritted his teeth out of anger.. He fit his hand and angrily said...

"how dare he trouble you.. I will show him what I am.. " Yn got nervous about that and she stopped him.. "No.. Oppa.. Please don't do anything.. I give him what he deserves...please calm down.." She said as he looked and said..

"Just because you said.. So now what you want.. You want to divorce him or something ..."

yn sigh said..."i want to find him.. My baby's father.. I want to go back to Paris.. " she said holding her baby bump with teary eyes..but Jimin looked at her sadly.

Like she wants to hurt more by that.. She got enough from everything and she still chooses to harm herself more.. Jimin sighs and goes beside her and sits next to her.. As he holds her

hands on him and Caresses her hands and says in a sad voice...

"Yn.. You know.. You are going to hurt.. But still you want that..?.. You want him to get more hurt..? It's not good for you.. He leaves you.. Then still you want him.. "

she jerks away his hands and shouts angrily..."No.. No.. He didn't leave me.. And won't do that...he.. He.. Promised me that.. That he will always be with me.. And he will.. I.. I will find him.. I will find him.. "

as she burst into tears and fell on Jimin's shoulder and cried out loud while Jimin also had tears in his eyes.. His heart is breaking seeing her like that..

"I.. I.. I. Want him.. Oppa...i want him.. I...i.. I.. Love him.. I love him.. So.. Soo.. Soo...much.. I want him..."

she said and collapsed on him.. As Jimin nervously looked at her and saw her eyes were closed.. As he quickly took her in bridal style and walked inside the house..

"Don't worry.. I will give you what you want.. Princess.."

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