Chum Valentine (Filler)

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"Hello! Welcome back loves!! Today I would like to dedicate this video to a new krew member we've been hiding" Val starts off with her baby Chum Valentine in her hands

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"Hello! Welcome back loves!! Today I would like to dedicate this video to a new krew member we've been hiding" Val starts off with her baby Chum Valentine in her hands

"Welcome our newest member with open arms... Chum!" she revealed her frog to the camera with a wide smile

"His full name is Chum Clementine Bart Archibald Honey Valentine" she said held him up before quickly moving him back to his cage and leaving to wash her hands

"We actually booted out Funneh to make room for Chum so now our channel name is ChummyHeartz and instead of Funneh playing its Chum" she explained

"I dont like keeping him out for long since most frogs are nocturnal and his skin is very delicate so dont expect a lot of Chum Valentine content" she explains while whiping her hands with a towel

"Now today's video is going to be me telling you a little storytime/epic backstory for my son, Chum" she clasped her hands together making her look serious if it wasnt for the soft smile she was wearing the entire video

"So, let's get started" she smiled "insert cool transition" she whispered loudly for comedic effect

"So our story starts right here. On this channel! I stated in the past my dream pet would be a lizard which I already mentioned before to my siblings by the way who were not very keen on the idea of a gecko living in their house" she leaned back in her rolly chair, rolling her eyes

"That was until I came up with the perfect Idea while rewatching a certain show with my siblings to prepare for the new season. They had talked about balancing it out which got me thinking" Val sat up


"After hours and days and months and years and decades of begging, they gave in" Val smirked mischievously

"Commense Operation Find Perfect Frog!" she squinted at the camera for dramatic effect "Now I have done tons of research on different species of geckos and lizards but I didnt know a single fact about a frog"

"I mean the only thing I could tell you is that some of them are poisonous. Which lead to postponing Operation Find Perfect Frog" She said sadly looking at her lap before abruptly licking back up again

"But its okay because a new Operation spawned in its place! Operation Research?" she slightly faulted at the research part looking at her computer screen as if she was reading from a script for once again, comedic effect

"Homework. Operation Homework" she sighed in dissapointed "But that's okay because it'll all be worth it once I get a frog! And trust me, it was worth every last second" she smiled largely

"Day and night for weeks I spent researching the perfect frog for me" Val stood up and pulled out a board with different frogs and a picture of her in the middle with different coloured strings attached "Maybe I got a tad bit carried away but I take my research seriously" she shrugged before putting the board down

"That was until I found the perfect frog types to research on. The top 3" Val sat back down in her chair holding three fingers up for emphisism

"The Australian Green Tree Frog, The Australian White Tree Frog and and the American Green Tree Frogs" she counted off looking intently at the camera

"As you can tell, I picked" Val started a fake drum roll on her desk "The Australian White Tree Frog" she clapped her hands together in celebratory way

"Then there was more research but that's not important right now because Operation Find Perfect Frog was back on!" she faked cheered and raised her arms flinging them around in a celebratory manner

"So I looked around on google, facebook marketplace even amazon! But my frog was nowhere to be found so I started to lose hope a little" she sighed "But then I remembered, I have lovely fans! I'll just steal their frogs!" she joked before giggling

"No no I found Chum" she laughed louder "Chum was supposed to be named Sebastian but then I realized that name sucked" she explained still partially giggling

"Let me tell you, when I brought Chum home, he wrecked havoc" she emphasized the word havoc "Everyone stayed like six feet away from him at all times it was hilarious" Val giggled at the memory

"Okay I need to breathe because I'm obviously laughing too much" she said yet again still giggling uncontrollably "Anyways, thanks so much for watching! See you next year for my yearly videos" she joked and waved bye to the camera

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