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Peter was now alone.

He had no more family left.

He couldn't save her due to an unfortunate event that followed her.

He wasn't even there when it happened, but he still blamed himself for her death.

Here lies
May Parker
'When you help someone, you help everyone'

He had lost his only leaving relative, his parents left him at the age of 5, his Uncle Ben followed at the age of 14 when he discovered his new found powers, and lastly at four months he had his Aunt May follow suit as she went through a car accident, killing her on the spot.

There stand Peter in his onesie Spider-Man suit in the pouring rain, in front of the grave stone of his parents, uncle, and aunt. Since he has no other relatives left, he is quickly sent to the system. Right now, he's crashing under the Leeds roof until the CPS come get him.

He doesn't want to go into the system, he knows he can't let that happen due to the fact that he's Spider-Man. He still want to help his city despite for all the thing that he's been through

While staring at the gravestones of his parents, uncle, and relative. A man in a black trench coat approach him from behind "You're a very difficult person to contact Spider-Man." the man spoke. Peter was glad that he still had his mask on, he turned around to see Nick Fury standing right behind him.

Wait, isn't that Nick Fury!!! I thought he was suppose to be dead!? Peter thought.

"Well I don't really go and advertise myself and tell them my real identity, kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing." he quipped.

"Enough with the antics Spider-Man, I've had my agents tail you for weeks and you somehow manage to escape from their sight." Fury says.

"I know, my senses manages to warn me that I was being watched. So I avoided them, never guessed that it would be S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Director Nick Fury's own men tailing me. Beside, you're supposed to be dead." Peter says nonchalantly. This seems to caught Fury off guard, he is not known publicly to the masses, only the Governments. So how does a vigilante know who he is.

"How do you know who I am?" he asks cautiously at Peter "I heard one of your men mentioned S.H.I.E.L.D. when I managed to escape one of them, so I hacked in to your system and found your file. I'm surprised, never thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. still exist." he replies.

"Then you probably know why I'm here for." Fury says in all seriousness.

"Yeah, I figured out the reason when I check into your files. But I'm sorry to say that I have to decline, I can't let anyone know who I am behind the mask. I know that once I tell you who I am, you'll put in into your database, and not to offend you or something but I don't really trust about putting my identity in your security system. And telling you might danger those people I love." Peter says looking straight at Fury.

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