Chapter 2

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The alarm clock rang, with an irritated groan. Persephone buried her face further into the pillow and rolled over away from the blaring sound while trying to ignore the fact that it was already morning. Last night had been long, and she had definitely gotten too little sleep, with only 3 hours. Since the alarm clock didn't turn itself off, she had to get up willy-nilly. With a blurry expression, she fumbled for her phone and turned off the alarm with clumsy fingers.

Persephone took a deep breath and rubbed her hands over her face. she pushed the blanket aside and swung her feet off the mattress. As she stood up, she felt dizzy for a moment and propped herself against her bedside table.

"Dammit, what did that burnt bastard do to me?" Persephone muttered as she stumbled towards the kitchen, rubbing her throat.

Still not really awake, Persephone turned on the coffee maker. After a moment, the soothing sound of the machine brewing coffee rang out, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the room.

Persephone went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face to drive away sleep for good, deliberately not turning on the light. Back in the kitchen, she poured herself a large cup of coffee and went out onto the adjacent small balcony. The summer announced itself, and in the city, it was already relatively warm at 7:00 in the morning, which only meant that it became unbearably hot around noon. While Persephone drank her coffee, she lit a cigarette and thought about what was coming up at work today.

She had been working for a few years now in a small bookshop in town, about half an hour from her flat. Today, the bookshop was expecting a large shipment of new publications, all of which had to be unpacked and presented. Persephone put out her cigarette in the ashtray and went back to the kitchen. She rinsed out her coffee cup, dried it, and put it back in the cupboard. Her flat was small but cozy; the two rooms she called her own were her personal kingdom.

From the corridor of the flat four rooms led off, on the right the small kitchen with balcony and next to it the bathroom and on the left the bedroom also with balcony and the living room. The living room was the largest room in the whole flat. The room was occupied on three sides by bookcases; in the middle of the room was a corner sofa and a coffee table. A television could not be missing either.

She walked into the corridor and began to pick up the clothes that she had carelessly thrown on the floor last night. In her hallway was a drawer at waist level; on the drawer was a holder for her katana. The dark purple leather sword sheath glistened dully in the overhead light. Scattered on the dresser was yesterday's mail, her keys, and her bag of syringes. She began to clean up her mess, picking up her clothes, "Where are my daggers?" Persephone began to search the floor. When she found nothing, she tore open the drawers of her dresser one by one to see if the daggers were there. "I don't remember putting them into the drawer last night."Maybe they are in the bathroom?" she said, frowning.

Persephone ran into the bathroom, turned on the light and searched in the hamper, hoping that her daggers had somehow ended up in the hamper with the towel she had used last night, but again she did not find the daggers. Slowly, it dawned on her. She had dropped one dagger in the bar when Dabi had grabbed her wrist; she must have forgotten the dagger in the bar after she had left it almost in a hurry. Maybe that's how she lost her other dagger, too.

"Looks like I'll have to pay another visit to the bar after work," Persephone said with a sigh, "I guess this is the punishment for my careless behavior."

She looked at the clock in the hallway. She had to be at the bookshop in an hour. Persephone gathered her courage and finally looked in the mirror. The face that met her eyes startled her; deep circles under her eyes stood out against her pale skin.
Persephone's different colored eyes stood out even more than usual. Her eyes wandered to her neck, and the strangulation marks that appeared on her skin didn't really surprise her; she had already known last night that she would have some today. Persephone got bruises very quickly, but luckily they disappeared again.

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