The Vastaya Village

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Nidalee was the first one to wake up; she was used to waking up early enjoying the sun. Then looking opposite of herself leaning under the tree was a man in clothes as dark as night soaked in dried blood sleeping with his hands crossed on his chest.

Y/n,The Lonely Hunter was odd...amazed, staring at the fire as if it was the first time he had seen it ,looking in awe at the trees, animals and the sun...he acted as if he hadn't seen them for a long time. Deciding wake him she stands up and lightly kicks his leg

He jumps awake drawing his pistol and


Killing a bunny...poor bunny

Nidalee: Jumpy much?

Y/n: Well...we caught breakfast?

Nidalee: Sigh...Let's just get going

Y/n: Yea...

You stand picking up your Cleaver and  reloading your pistol, putting it to your side heading to the village. On the way there you look at forest unable to get over the life what was heard the color,the trees and the smell...clean fresh you were happy you went here even if it's not your world...but Nidalee wanted to know more about you

Nidalee: So...who is Rosemary to you?

Y/n: What?

Nidalee: She seemed sad you weren't here with her it's clear you meant something to her

Y/n: She...was the only friend I've had in a very long time...and I was hers

Nidalee: She also said you were her 'Good Hunter'

Y/n: Yea...It was her nickname to all hunters..."of the dream"

Nidalee saw you didn't want to talk about it so she changed the topic

Nidalee: What about your weapon?

Y/n: What?

Nidalee: What kind of weapon is that?        

Y/n: It's called a Saw Cleaver

Nidalee: Saw Cleaver?

With a flick of the wrist your change it from Saw to Cleaver

Y/n: Saw Cleaver

Nidalee: Interesting... a trick weapon

Y/n: Yeah a common thing where I come from

Nidalee: Where do you come from?

You change it back to Saw and start walking faster

Y/n: Let's...keep going

Walking ahead of her not wanting to talk about

Timeskip: an hour later

Nidalee: We're here!

You look at 2 wood doors with engravings carved into them

Y/n: I don't get it...

Nidalee puts her hand on one of the doors and her hand palm starts to glow a blue hue crawling from her palm to both of the doors opening them revealing the Vastayan Village houses in the trees,Markets on the ground and so many people...

Y/n: "Been a while since I've seen this many people and they don't try to kill me..."

Nidalee: Y/n stop daydreaming we need new clothes!

Y/n: Right...lead the way

She hums then you follow her to a clothes shop as you follow her hundreds of eyes look at you with hate and resentment reminds you of the early days of the hunt. Yharnamites hated the hunters but the hunters helped them with most of the scourge but soon...they had enough of the hunters and started attacking them .Soon you had to kill the Yharnamites. You keep your head as to not gain attention but let's be honest your the most out of place thing in this village

Rando1: Whose that?

Rando2: What's with the weapon he got?

Rando3: Is that blood?

Rando1: Is he a killer?

Rando4: probably most of them are

Rando2: Look at what he's wearing too.......

You continue to hear their voices. You've gotten used to the heightened senses you had sight,hearing,touch,smell...had them since you went to was weird seeing,hearing,smelling everything better for the first time. Continuing the walk you look in awe of how beautiful the scenery is

Nidalee: Y/n we're here

You look at the store

Y/n: So...I just need to get clothes and you'll pay?

Nidalee: Yes and like I said you'll owe me

Y/n: Got it...

Putting your saw in your inventory and go into the store you get a some black pants and a white T-shirt also getting a brown trench coat

Nidalee: You done?

Y/n: Yea...

Nidalee: Hmm good enough...

Y/n: Huh?

Nidalee: Give it here I'll pay then let's get you to the shower house

'you hand her the cloths

Y/n: That would be nice....

Looking at yourself you smell as bad as a rotting hound

Y/n: Let's get to it

At the Bath House

You stand in front of the Bath house made of marble, a place full of people going and leaving having a fresh shower. Nidalee then gives you a piece of paper

Nidalee: This is where I live you don't need to come immediately explore the village enjoy your time here judging from how you acted this morning I'm guessing it's been a while since your last proper conversation and here's some gold

Y/n: Thank you for taking care off...would've been lost without you heh

A small smile forms on both of your faces

Nidalee: No problem Y/n! You're gonna be my teammate soon!

Y/n: Yea...thanks I'll uh see you later

Nidalee nods and heads her separate way while you go into the bath house. you go inside into the main lobby where a female wolf vastaya stands behind the counter

worker: Hello-Holy shit! Did you go into the sewers and start swimming?!

Y/n: No? Can I get a room?

Worker: Urgh...Yea sure that'll be a 20 sliver...Here the room 6960...

Y/n: Here a gold coin

You put the coin on the counter and take the key

Y/n: Keep the change...

You walk away leaving her in shock

you find the 6906 and unlock it going in and locking the door behind you. Looking at the room it's a small 2 person room,there was a 2 person sized hot tub on the edge of the room and a dressing room on the left and towels on the side of the shower on your right

Y/n:'s been awhile since I got a proper bath...

You didn't really need to bathe in the the hunter's dream every time you died you'd go back to the dream all clean and well and food or water wasn't necessary since the dream also sustained you

You go to the  changing room and strip yourself hanging your clothes on the cloths hook and grabbing a towel,wearing it on your waist finding a mirror you look at yourself.

Scars all over your body,burn marks on your right shoulder, a large faded scar going from your left shoulder to the right of your waist little,bullet marks on your right side of your stomach turning around your see 3 clawed slash and a 2 bladed horizontal slash crossing each other on your back. Looking at your arms bite marks and bullet wounds all over them even your legs have scaring all of them adventures and memories

Leaving the changing room you go into the hot tub slowly dropping yourself in your nerves relaxing a sense of warmth goes through you.

Y/n: Doesn't get better than this...

That's It I really enjoyed making this one hope you enjoyed see yeac in the next one

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