Chapter 31

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Since waking up a few days ago from my medically induced coma the Doctors have been coming back and forth checking on me.

They have informed me that I have amnesia from the serious head trauma I sustained, they had run scan after scan and don't think there will be any other long term effects but it was highly likely that the time that I had lost from my memory was not coming back.

In my mind I was in December, but they tell me it is August.

Since I woke up Camilla has not left my side. I had to force her to go and shower and change her clothes, and now she brings a bag with her to the hospital and showers and changes here.

She changes her bag and does the washing in the night when I am sleeping.

I admire her dedication to me, but she has not left me alone or out of her sight.

I have been informed by the Army that as my contract was coming to an end and I had not choosen to renew it anyway, they were giving me a medical discharge for the last few remaining months of my contract.

I can't say I would be much use to them anyway.

My leg was pretty bad.

It was usable, for that I was grateful.

But I had to have surgery and skin grafts for the burns.

I had to keep my leg up when I was not using it and I had not started rehab yet with the walking.

That was likely to start this week, before they would let me out they said I needed to have a few sessions.

I could see Camila through the glass talking to the Doctors and sometimes looking over at me and smiling.

I mirrored her smile.

I couldn't wait to get out of here.

I just wanted to get out of this Hospital and into a comfy bed.

"Hey Baby" Camila came into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Hey beautiful" she came and gave me a kiss, her lips lingered against mine.

I have noticed this is happeneing alot lately. It's like she does not want to break way.

I look from her lips and I notice her eyes are still closed.

"You okay" I bring my arm up to touch hers softly.

"With you, Always" she pecked me on the lips again.

I couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of my lips.

"I have some amazing news!" Camila took my right hand into her left.

I felt the cold metal of the engagement ring against my hand.

I loved the feel of it against me, knowing that she was mine.

I internally smiled.

"Oh yeah and what's that?" I watched her sway slightly.

"We get to go home!" she squealed.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Already?" I was confused.

"But the Doctors said I needed to have some physiotherapy first" I pointed in the direction of the Doctor's office.

"Well, it comes with some conditions" Camila pulls the seat next to me.

"They are willing to transfer you to be under the care of Miami General Hospital, with our medical insurance, and I was thinking we could go and live in the beach house you bought" Camila kissed my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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