Chapter 15

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As I left the hotel I contemplated where I could go. It was still early only 10:30pm. I took my phone out my jacket pocket and seen the 40 missed calls from nick and the 20 texts urging me to let him know where I was and if I was okay.

Also a single text from Camila.

'I'm sorry, I love you, please come back to me'

I left it on read.

I thought I better let Nick know where I was, it wasn't fair to ignore him.

I pressed the call button on his contact, he answered instantly.

"Y/n? Where are you? Are you okay?" His urgent scared voice jumped through the phone.

"Hey.. I'm outside hotel I was staying can I bunk with you guys tonight?" Not wanting to answer the if I was okay questions. Enough lies had been told tonight.

"Of course. Stay where you are I'm in a taxi now, I've been out looking for you.. I will ask the driver to go there. Don't move.. stay put. I love you man glad you safe." he was speaking so rushed.

"Love you too dude." There was nothing else to say.

About 15 minutes later a car pulled up and out jumped Nick who engulfed me in a tight hug "so glad you're okay, I was worried you had done something stupid" he hasn't let me go yet.

"What? stupider than beating the shit into a civilian" I chuckled into his shoulder "I need to pay for that door and apologise to that restaurant".

He released me and checked over my wrecked state.

"Send them a cheque and a letter, that place is crawling with police. They guy you did damage to said he didn't know who did it, couldn't remember and cctv wasn't working, I hung around to find out"

I gave out a puff of air, it didn't ease my guilty thought.

"Let's get you back to the hotel... we can talk there"he patted my shoulder and picked up my bag.

We jumped in the taxi and it was silent all the way to his and Hotel.

Once we got in the room Nick put my bag on a chair and went to the mini bar and took out two vodkas.

"I think you need this" handed me one and nursed one in his hand.

I took it gratefully undoing the cap with such force it fell to the floor I brought it to my lips quickly and enjoyed the burn. "Thanks"

"So, you wanna talk or?" Nick was nervous and tentative he was trying to be a good friend and let me go at my pace.

"Ugh um" I didn't know what to say.

"If you don't want to it's fine I just want you to know I'm here if you need me" he gave me a tight lipped smile.

I got up and walked to the mini bar and too out two more vodkas.

I sat back on the bed "she's been cheating on me" Nick was nodding his head he already knew that.

"For um three months" I downed another vodka as Nicks head snapped up.

"She took him to Hawaii... on my birthday" I gave a funny face from the vodka burn.

I watched Nick squeeze the comforter into his fist he was pissed he was there that day, he knew the devastation I felt when she hadn't called or text and it hurt him to learn that she had done that to me. He also knew Hawaii was meant to be for our honeymoon.

"Permission to speak out of turn Corporal" he didn't want to say something that I might take offence to.

I just nodded and unscrewed the third bottle of the mini vodka. "She's a fucking bitch"

Dear Camila (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now