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True to Abby's word the girls were in New York in a rented studio.

"We are not going to win a group dance until everybody in this group is on the same level, but parts of the choreography are in unison. You all need to be in unison, that's what that means."

"Ok onto the pyramid. First we have Paige. Did you apply the corrections? Yes but did you put the phone away? No."

Rosalia wanted to roll her eyes. Why was it her business how much Paige was on her phone?

Rosalia Brooke nia
Chloe Mackenzie Paige

"They're going to look at feet, turn out, body lines and everything you learned up until this point is gonna come into play in the audition." She warned them.

Rosalia; I'm not that nervous for the audition but I'm still a little bit nervous. Last summer I did a lot of ballet classes so I think I'm gonna do well.

Abby then told them even though they were going to do the audition they were still going to a competition in New Jersey.

For the group dance it was about the girls being in jail. Maddie, Chloe and Rosalia all had solos.

Two days until Joffrey audition

Abby told them to pick out something from their solos that they do better than everyone else. She didn't know what she did better than her team.

Abby was trying to fit a lot of past ballet training that most of the girls haven't done for about two years.

Two days until starbound competition

Abby was rehearsing all of the solos before they had to go to the audition the next day.

"Your solo is very mature and you need to use your body to execute the right movements." Abby informed the dancer.

In Rosalia's opinion it was one of the best dances she's ever learnt.

After finishing the solos it was time to rehearse the group routine. Maddie was freaking out because she forgot her jazz shoes because she left her bag at the hotel. Melissa blew up which made Maddie flustered but once everyone calmed down they danced fine.

Day of audition

Taylor was pining the piece of paper with her number on the front of her leotard.

Rosalia was feeling really good about this audition. She was confident she had a small chance to get the scholarship. "You got this honey. You'll do great." Taylor encouraged her daughter with a smile.

After most of the girls on the team did their solos it was finally Rosalia's turn. She was starting to get nervous. She had never danced only in front of judges.

"You got this, just focus on your dance, not the judges."

When she was standing in front of the judges she felt her nerves start to desicate.

You got this Rosalia.

Her solo was a mix of modern ballet and contemporary. She thought she really impressed the judges with it.

"You look absolutely stunning when you dance and your legs are so straight and your lines are just incredible. I would just say do more ballet classes because you are lacking in just a few places." The lady judge critiqued.

She smiled as a thank you before she went to go grab the next girl.

"What did they say?" Abby asked curiously. "She said that I have beautiful lines and how my legs were really straight but she also said that I need more ballet training." Rosalia replied. Taylor smiled and scooped her daughter into a big hug.

After all of the solos were finished it was time for the technique exam. There were many different ballet bars scattered throughout the room. The girls were going through some ballet moves when everyone could hear the mothers arguing. Rosalia could distinctly make out Cathy's voice. She wasn't sure who the other person was.

When they finished Rosalia was extremely proud of herself and proud of her team. She thought they all did great.

After the audition they made their way to the competition.

Because it was starbound they had something to prove. They were their national champions.

Rosalia wasn't sure that they were going to win with the group number. But when performing Rosalia did the best she could with what they were given.

When the aldc girls were watching the candy apples Rosalia thought they did beautifully.

For group awards Rosalia was feeling nervous. She thought this was the time Cathy could beat them.

The ALDC only got 10th place. Rosalia was really embarrassed. And for the cherry on top, candy apples got 9th place with only one point higher.

Rosalia; i feel really embarrassed that we got tenth that is unheard of for us.

Abby started crying when Cathy came into their dressing room.

But when Abby left they were left in a brief moment of silence before Christis phone broke the silence. She put it on speaker. It was from the Joffrey ballet school. When Rosalia heard Chloe got the scholarship she was a tad disappointed but she was also happy for Chloe.

A few minutes after Christi's phone call ended Taylor's phone rang. She hesitantly answered. "Hello?"

"Hello I wanted to call you personally to tell you Rosalia got the scholarship for the summer Joffrey program." Taylor's eyes started to gather tears in the corners. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Rosalia looked at her mother in confusion.

When she put her phone down she gently grabbed the dancer's arm and leaned down to her ear. "You got the scholarship!"

Rosalia looked up in shock. She had done it.

She tried to suppress her smile but she failed because her face soon had a huge grin stretching from ear to ear. The next thing she did was walk over to Chloe to tell her the news. "Chloe I got it!" She whispered. Chloe looked up in shock. "Really? Congratulations!" She gave her a quick hug while Rosalia also congratulated her best friend for making it as well.

After Rosalia's began to come down from the high from the news.

The soloists were only given about fifteen minutes to get their hair and makeup done and put their costumes on and on top of that stretch and practice.

Maddie was the first one performing her solo. She started out doing really well before the moment came. She stood frozen in shock before tears ran down her face and she ran off the stage.

Rosalia and Chloe saw but they couldn't do any because Chloe was up next and Rosalia was right after her.

Both Chloe and Rosalia did really well. When it was time for awards Rosalia was really confident. Either Chloe or Rosalia was going to win.

Kendall got seventh with her queen of hearts solo.

Rosalia got second place and Chloe got first. When Chloe stood up to accept her first place award she hugged her. "You did so good clo."

𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝚓𝚊𝚣𝚣

This episode was so chaotic but it was fun to write. tpwk 🫶

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