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"Xie Lian, good morning. Doing well?" Ling Wen says from her desk as Xie Lian is wheeled in. "Yeah, good morning doctor." He replies.

Ling Wen smiles in that way that means trouble. Her eyes crinkle shut. Uh oh.

"My mistake it's not morning anymore, it would have been if you had gotten here on time." Then turning her head up and opening them. Gaze ice cold. "Pei Ming." He says. "Afternoon doctor." He says sounding scolded and slightly intimidated. Xie Lian doesn't blame him. Ling Wen is scary.

Xie Lian giggles. "It was my fault for chatting, and also not waking up and staying awake." Ling wens gaze softens. "Having fatigue trouble?" She asks.

Xie Lian shrugs. "Always. But this tube is to help with that right?" The doctor nods. "It is now you've had it in for two weeks. How are you finding it?" Xie Lian snorts. "Can that first week really count? I mean I was bleeding into my stomach for half of it."

"Xie Lian." Pei Ming scolds. "What? It's true isn't it? But other than that I'm having no problems." Ling Wen nods typing it down. The keys clack nicely and Xie Lian smiles enjoying it.

"No pain, swelling or cramps?" The doctor asks. Xie Lian shakes his head. "And you're still going to the toilet as usual and drinking plenty?"

"Yes ma'am." Ling Wen sighs. "And snacking? Are you eating little things here and there?" Xie lian grins. "I ate a grape yesterday." He says proudly.

Pei Ming smacks his face sighing. Xie Lian tests him everyday. "Well done, keep that up. Maybe more than one next time." Ling Wen teases. Xie Lian nods. "I'll try." He says laughing.

"So, tell me doctor, the bleeding was due to the guy who did the procedure. It's nothing else. And it's not me rejecting it. Right?" Ling Wen nods. "Yes it was a complication, one of your vessels was nicked but that healed and the blood was drained. You got a transfusion and we've done more checks while you were out and there's nothing wrong now. Scans and ultrasound are all clear." Xie Lian nods. "That's good. If I'm gonna go out so suddenly, I don't want it to be from mass bleeding. Thats not dramatic enough for me. You know? Ooo unless the blood is on the outside spewing everywhere like in those murder films!"

"Xie Lian." Pei Ming says again. The boy settles down feeling far to excited. "Okay okay, just tell me how dead am I today? Because honestly I'm feeling pretty good."

Ling Wen doesn't smile and roll her eyes like usual. She doesn't tell him off for his jokes or tell him to keep dreaming. In fact she looks- Xie Lian pauses. She looks upset.

Like she's holding back. In all the years Xie Lian has known her she's never looked this depressed. It rare.

It's scary.

"About that Xie Lian." She says softly nodding to Pei Ming. Xie Lian's smile drops. And so does his stomach.

This can't be good. Maybe it's finally time. He's been waiting for this. "Oh." He says growing slightly more nervous. Yet he's still understanding. Not that he should be, this by all accounts was unbelievably unfair. Everyone has said it at this point but him.

"Pei Ming do you already know what Ling Wen is going to say?" Pei Ming crouches down by Xie Lian. "I do kiddo. That's kind of my job." Xie Lian huffs a smile but it fades quickly. "I see. And here I thought it would be another typical Monday afternoon."

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