Chapter 4

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Kiss, Hickey And Slam


A minute or two has passed and yoriichi had finished his food, he stood up and carried the bowl to the sink and began washing it, after about a minute he turned around to see his brother staring at him "hm? Michi what are you doing here?" Kokushibo had snapped out of his thinking session, and said "I was just... passing by.. and I.. Saw you... Also... my name is.. Kokushibo now... You can.... call me... Koku.. If you.. Want" yoriichi smiled and hummed an 'ok' then started walking back to the library "where.. Are you... Going..?" Kokushibo turned his head to look at his brother "just the library" kokushibo watches as his brother walks away, his figure getting smaller the farther he walks.

Yoriichi opens the door of the library and closes it once he was in, he then starts walking to the middle just to see the book, he sits down and opens it, he flips it to the page he was in, he then stopped once he saw "168 and 169"

An hour has gone by and yoriichi was now on a spicy part of the book, every time he reads the word "kiss, hickey, slam" he can't help but think of muzan and him With no.. Clothes.

Unfortunately the spicy part of the book had now ended, which kind of disappointed yoriichi for some unknown reason he doesn't know why "my~ I didn't know you read this kind of stuff~" a voice near his ear whispered seductively, which made him flinch in surprise he was familiar with the voice but he prayed to God it wasn't him.

Sorry yoriichi but luck isn't on your side🙃


He turned his head to see muzan next to him, he turned red as a tomato, he attempted to talk but ended up stuttering "w-when d-did y-you g-get h-here?" Yoriichi asks still flustered, muzan looks at him with a smirk on his face, without warning he smashed his lips onto yoriichi's, which got yoriichi off guard and got even more flustered, but he melted into the kiss within a second.

Muzan made yoriichi stand up and moved the chair out of the way, he also closed the book and pushed it away, yoriichi was facing him till muzan pressed his lips onto yoriichi's again, yoriichi kissed back putting his hands onto muzan's shoulders, while muzan's hands were on yoriichi's waist slowly going down to his ass, he groped yoriichi's ass as he licks yoriichi's bottom lip asking for entrance which yoriichi gladly accepted and opened his mouth for muzan's tongue to slid into, muzan then started to explore his mouth starting from the top then going to the bottom, then yoriichi and muzan's tongue met and stared to swirl and danced together.

Muzan then broke the kiss for air, a string of saliva connecting their lips, muzan then started to take of yoriichi's haori and loosen up his clothing, he slipped them off of his shoulders and began attacking yoriichi's neck showering him with hickeys, yoriichi let's out small moans every time muzan bites at a certain spot on his neck "ngh~".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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