Chapter 3

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Yoriichi got off the bed and went to his brother and grab him by wrapping his arms around him and pull him away, muzan was all black and blue with a few big cuts, but it all healed easily "let me at him Yori!!" Kokushibo shouted "no Michi! That's enough..! Please stop-!" After a few more times of yoriichi pleading his brother to stop kokushibo finally gave in and stopped, tho he gave muzan a warning by staring right into his soul with a deadly glare, which made muzan shiver only a bit, kokushibo walked to the door about to leave, once he had his hand on the door knob he remembered that he came to tell muzan something, he turned around and said "I almost forgot, you have a lot of paper work to do" kokushibo then left leaving muzan with a frustrated sigh, yoriichi went to his clothes that was on the edge of the bed and began putting them on, muzan looked at yoriichi and hugged him from behind, yoriichi sighed a bit of blush visible on both his cheeks, muzan then gave yoriichi kisses on his neck before letting him go and walking to the door "I'll be back in a few hours you can go to other places of the fortress if you want to, but don't go too far" muzan said before leaving to another room that was far away, yoriichi then put on his haori and tied up his hair since it was down, he then went out of the room and went to the nearest place he could go, he went inside and was amazed.

He's in the library

Yoriichi looked left and right and all he could see were shelves filled to the brim with books, he looked at the middle to see a big table and 11 chairs, he looked up to his right and saw a long ladder that reached the ceiling, there were floating lanterns almost everywhere, he walked to his left and saw a book that caught his eye, he grabbed it and looked at the title it was called "Maō ni koishite" it looked interesting so he went to the big table and sat on a chair, he opened the book and began reading.

An hour later

It's been 1 hour and yoriichi was getting hungry, he looked at the page he was on "168 to 169" he mumbled under his breath, he then closed the book and walked to the huge door, once he was outside the library he went to the kitchen and went through the cabinets, he found some ingredients to make some food for himself.

After a few minutes he had made himself simmered salmon with daikon, he then began eating, while he was eating kokushibo noticed him on the dining table and walked closer to see him eating, he let a small smile form on his face as he saw how his little brother was enjoying his food.

✧༺♥༻✧End Of Chapter 3**✿❀ ❀✿**

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