A Midnight Snack

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Riley's pov

It's night now and of course Audrey is having a sleepover but I go to her sleepovers because all she does is talk about Ben and their future which I get annoyed with that also I'm in my pjs

The pjs:

So I'm outside sitting down on a stair step as draw in my sketchbook as I hum a song that mom and dad sang to me a lot when I was little

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So I'm outside sitting down on a stair step as draw in my sketchbook as I hum a song that mom and dad sang to me a lot when I was little

Third pov 

The Vk's are in the kitchen making a love spell baking cookies also is hiding on Wyatt's shoulder but underneath his vest since the other minus Carlos knows that he has Sunny with him

"All right. It says that we still need one tear, and I never cry" Mal said as she is reading her spell book

"Let's just chop up some onions" Carlos says and lifts a bag of onions

"No. It says that we need one tear of human sadness. And this love potion gets the best so we have to follow it exactly" Mal confirmed

"A  tear's a tear" Jay scoffed by Evie cuts him off

"That's not true, Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes, but an emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflex tear" Evie ranted as well looked at her in shock and confusion

Mostly Jay was confused

"Yeah, I knew that" Jay said in an obvious tone which meant he did not... 'obviously'

"Did not" Carlos scoffed with a grin

"Yeah I did" he fired back

But then they were cut off by Lonnie coming in and Mal quickly covered up her spell book

"There you are, Mal! I was looking for you. You know, all the girls want you to do their hair! Will expect Riley since she likes her hair the way it is" Lonnie said with a smile as she leans up against the counter

Wyatt eyes light up a bit at the mention of Riley's name and Evie saw that and wanted to know why

Then Lonnie looks around on the table

"Midnight snack, huh? What are you guys making?" Lonnie asked

"Nothing special. Just cookies" Mal said

Soon after Lonnie dips her finger into the cookie batter causing the villain kids to freak out

"Oh, no no!" Mal yells

"Wait, wait wait!" Carlos tried to stop her but it was too late

Lonnie eats the batter as she looks at them confused

"What? I'm not gonna double dip" she said

"Feel anything?" Evie asked as her friends leaned closer

"Yeah, like maybe it might be missing something?" she asked

Jay then moves some hair from his face leaning in closer to her with a flirty smile

"Hey, there"

Lonnie gave him an awakened smile before saying

"It could use some chips" she said as she went to get some

The villain kids sighed in relief

"Chips?" Jay question

"And those are..." Mal trailed off asking as she came back over and began sprinkling some in

"Chocolate chips. Just the most important food group" she said as the vk's all watched her curiously at what those chocolate chips actually were

Lonnie noticed and spoke

"Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys, like, chocolate chip cookies?" she asked as they all looked at her with a blank expression

"Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big old glass of milk, and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and..." she trailed off but looked at everyone who had no idea what that was

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Lonnie asked

"It's just different where we're from" Wyatt said in a sad tone

"Yeah, I know. I just, you know, I thought... Even villains love their kids" she said in a hopeful voice but when she was the vk's faces were hung kind of low

"Oh....how awful" Lonnie said as a tear ran down her face and she set her hand on top of Mal's hand which just made Mal stared at

Then Mal interrupted the moment and took her other hand swiping the tear from Lonnie's cheek which Lonnie looked at Mal as she surprise holding Lonnie's cheek and quickly put it in the dough and Evie began stirring

"Yeah, well, big bummer, but we have to get these into the oven, so thank you so much for coming by" Mal said coming around and began pushing Lonnie to the door

"Really, really have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow. Evil dreams" Mal said as she closed the door as soon Lonnie left

"Good night" Lonnie said

"See you tomorrow. Okay, boys, cookie sheet. Evie, oven" Mal listed as they all jumped to it

"Yes, ma'am" Evie said


Wyatt's pov

I left the kitchen after the other stayed to show the love spell cookies baking in the oven I walked down the hall to go back to my dorm and Sunny moved out from underneath my vest and is now on my shoulder again

"Sorry you had to hear all of that Sunny" I said softly said to her

The chameleon made a noise showing that she's ok and nuzzles the side on my neck which made me smile

Then I heard something like someone singing so I followed it which led me outside and I see Riley sitting on stair step as she looks up at the sky so I hide a bit and Sunny goes over and smiles as Riley continues to sing

Riley: And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

I close my eyes as I listen to her sing and I have to say she was a beautiful voice I could listen to it a lot also this is the song that Queen Rapunzel and King Eugene sang when they showed the flowing lanterns in Corona

And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything is different

Now that I see you

Now that I see you

I sighed dreamily because how can I not then Sunny made a quiet noise I turned to her and saw that she has a small smirk on her face knowing that I want to be with her

"Don't say anything to her ok" I whispered to her

And she nods her little head and I look at her once last time and walked away from there to got back to my dorm but still thinking about Riley's beautiful voice

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