A Princess And Wolfs On A Date

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Riley's pov

Today is my date with Wyatt and I can't wait for it since I have never been on a date before

Also I haven't seen Wyatt at all today but Evie told me that he isn't going to be in class because he is working on our date since he wants it to be a good one

Riley's outfit:

So me, Evie and Doug are sitting at the table as Evie was looking in her purse for something

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So me, Evie and Doug are sitting at the table as Evie was looking in her purse for something

Then Mr. Deley came over

"Looking for something?" he said

Evie looks at Mr. Deley who had her mirror in his hand. How did he get it?

Mr. Deley turns to Chad who has a smirk on his and says

"Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled"

I glared at him and Sunny who's on the table lets out a small hiss too then I realized he set Evie up. What a jerk he is, Evie didn't deserve it

"Mr. Deley, I..." Evie tried to explain

"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... whatever it is" Doug spoke out

"It's called a magic mir-" Evie said

Doug interrupts her and says

"You're not helping. Stop. Maybe she needed another pencil"

"Actually, I was-" Evie tried again

"Really, don't help" Doug said to Evie

He looks at Mr. Deley


"Please" Evie said

"Well, if you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop" Mr. Deley said then walks off

Chad looked at Doug disappointed as I smirked a bit seeing his face

I turned to Evie with a smile

"Don't worry Evie. You're in good hands. Doug will help you so you can pass and plus you guys get some alone time to get to know each other. I see the way guys look at each other" I said and Sunny made a noise with a small smirk on her face

Evie blushed softly as the bell rings for lunch, I decided not to eat yet so I walked out of the room and headed to the courtyard area to the lockers

I get to my locker and opened it then I saw a sun hairpin with a note on it It grab the note and it said

The hairpin:

The hairpin:

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