Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 163

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With Ash, Rotom, Killua, Alluka, Leorio, Deku, Lana, Kiawe, Lillie, Sophocles, Mallow and their Pokemon at Manalo Stadium.

Kiawe: So, Ash. There was something I wanted to ask you.

Ash: Oh right, I almost forgot about that

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Ash: Oh right, I almost forgot about that. (Here we go.)

Kiawe: During your match against Hau, you and Rowlet used two Z-moves. Normally that's impossible, but you two were able to pull it off somehow. What I want to know is, how did you do that?

Lillie: Right, that was odd. And Killua called it an N-move.

Mallow: I've never heard of anyone using more than one Z-move in a single battle.

Lana: Definitely suspicious.

Pikachu: Pika.

Ash: *Sigh* I figured you guys would ask me about that. The thing is, me and Rowlet just had energy to spare, that's all.

Rotom + Killua + Leorio: (That won't convince them you idiot!)

Deku: (I know I'm the one who told him to say that, but it really doesn't sound convincing.)

Kiawe: Ash, do you take us as idiots?

Ash: Huh? N...no. Why would you think that?

Sophocles: Because there's no way what you told us is the truth, and we know it.

Mallow: Why are you lying to us, Ash? Aren't we supposed to be your friends?
Ash: Well yeah, but...

Kiawe: Then don't lie to us!

Rotom: Everyone, Ash is telling the truth. I watched him and Rowlet tra...

Ash: Rotom, it's fine. I'll tell them the truth. All of it.

Rotom + Killua + Leorio + Deku: What!?

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Rotom + Killua + Leorio + Deku: What!?

Leorio: Hey, are you sure this is a good idea!?

Ash: I am.

Killua: But the old hag will kill you if she finds out that you told someone!

Ash: That's assuming she can kill me.

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