episode 58 - Parineeta & ragini's insecurities from swara(second last part)

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So guys i myself not feeling good with this that it's second last part of my this story which was very close to my heart because you all have shower love at my this story this much that i can't explain how i have feel. One of the very special and most important story of my life with that i have start my wattpad journey somewhat it's very emotional moment and happiest also because i have keep this story at edge just like this to wrote some other stories well thank you so much to my all readers for showering your love and support at my story which means alot to me well there is so many things for saying and do but can't right now because i want to focus at episode i hope you will love it 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Enjoy the episode 💖💖

Sanskar look toward swara who come near him after making sanvi sleep on bed he caresses her hairs swara close her eyes wrapping her hand around Sanskar's waist feeling hell tired from yesterday night sanvi has behaving so much cranky and fussy she isn't even letting her sleep for two minutes also she is hell tired from yesterday because of sleep which she didn't getting properly swara look up toward sanskar who peck her forehead making her close eyes
Sanskar - our baby troubling you alot na jaan right (swara shake her head in no) from yesterday you have not get proper sleep love and your saying no
Swara - because one baby can never trouble her mother no matter what i don't know sanskar what happened to her why our baby is behaving so cranky from yesterday night i can't even understand what she was feeling and this thing making ME frustrated and angry alot
Sanskar - first you stay relax jaan don't get hyper for this things should we take her tommorrow toward doctor because after tommorrow we are going out na
Swara - no sanskar every time doctor doctor isn't good i will ask Maa mom or badi maa about this i didn't even tell anyone about this so what can i understand morever we having this much experience people with us every time doctor treatment isn't good for our princess sanskar so first we will ask mom maa or badi maa if they also didn't understand then we will take her toward doctor
Saanskar - okey as you say leave about this if your feeling tired then for sometimes sleep na jaan till sanu is sleeping you also take rest
Swara - no sanskar i should go down to help Parineeta Bhabhi & Ragini for preparing lunch i didn't even go to prepare breakfast it will be not look good na sanskar
Sanskar - you can never change Mrs sanskar maheswari no matter what happened you will never stop thinking about other's rather than yourself leave it you do whatever you want and when Sanu is sleeping you go quickly and then come back till then i am here only (swara nods in yes swara go down she reach near kitchen running her forehead due to headache she what about to go inside kitchen stop hearing Parineeta and ragini's talk she didn't go inside)
Pari - yesterday aadarsh ji tell me that papaji has take decision to make sanskar as new MD and morever karma and sons is already at ssanskar's name when i said aadarsh to talk with papa about this he said he is happy with this decision
Ragini - bhabhi i can understand your insecurities related this morever swara has already given heir to this house because of that i think papaji will make swayyam only to owner of this property like this Ragya's future will also come in problem papaji always love swara more than us
Pari - Aadarsh is not ready to hear me ragini i don't know what should i do reagarding to this because i can't even do anything against him or papaji morever already there is no value of mine because of not able to give heir to this house and now when swara has already given so i don't think papaji will hear anyone about this matter i am really frustrated because of this
Ragini - even laksh don't have any problem with this bhabhi he is happy that papaji is making sanskar MD of his company it's not matter of now bhabhi in future it will create so much problem for us only
Pari - we have to do something ragini we can't let this happened na we have to talk with mummyji i think she only understand our problem
Ragini - haan bhabhi but do you think maa will go against papaji's decision i am unble to understand anything regarding to this matter (swara get hurt deeply hearing pari and Ragini she see ap and sujata coming toward kitchen she weep her tears go near them stopping them going in kitchen)
Ap - what happened swara why your stopping us from going in kitchen blocking our way do you want something beta any problem
Swara - actually Badi maa it's that from yesterday night sanu isn't getting sleep she is crying and not even getting sleep properly she is behaving so cranky and fussy i don't know what should i do sanskar said we should take her to hospital
Ap - no beta it's not good to take small kid always at hospital it's happened baby's cry sometimes at night When they feel low or feeling like getting fever but unble to tell you don't worry i will prepare medicine for her you make her lick that little when she will wake up ans what your doing here shona you take rest na
Sujata - haan chori your duaghter is just like sanskar he was also same like our sanvi he hardly let me sleep when he was small but my Utarra didn't trouble me like him he was very naughty leave about this now you go and take rest i will help Jiji to prepared medicine for sanvi then send it by Servents hand
Swara - okey mom (swara go upstairs toward her room thinking about pari and ragini's word so deeply she reach at her room see sanskar is playing with sanvi she go near sanskar seat beside him sanskar keep sanvi on bed looking toward swara who was lost thinking about something deeply he give sanvi her toy for playing who get busy in playing sanskar turn toward swara seeing her lost)
Sanskar - jaan what happened (no response from swara) shona (he shake her swara look toward sanskar) what's wrong where your lost you have gone down to help Pari bhabhi and ragini na then what make you come back this much quickly
Swara - sanskar if i will ask you something then will you give me that please (sanskar look toward swara hearing her but nods in yes) don't take me wrong or think that i am doing any kind of injustice with you
Sanskar - will you say me directly what has happened shona please don't play this puzzled & round round game with me because i don't like that little bit also
Swara - i want to go London sanskar after tommorrow (sanskar look toward swara hearing her) and i will take sanvi with me because swayyam will be here with you only
Sanskar - jaan will you say me this all in clear words what exactly you want to do i am unble to understand why you want to go London suddenly that too with our princess
Swaara - it will be good for us sanskar i don't want the way we both has suffered like this our baby will also suffer sometimes it's good to stay away sanskar
Sanskar - i am still unble to understand what has happened to you why you are talking about going away what happened tell me clearly shona don't talk like this i am unble to understand anything
Swara - hmmm (hold Sanskar's hand tightly ) i love you sanskar and i really don't wanted to become reason of your separation with your family again Bhabhi and Ragini are feeling insecure because bade papa has taken decision to make you MD of the company they are feeling it's getting injustice with them and there husband i was already become the reason of your separation with your family but i don't want to become that reason again i will be stay in your touch i will be at our London's mansion with our princess you once talk with bade papa about this and just focus at your own karma & son's rather than handling maheswari's company because you will have swayyam also to look after take care of him i know it will be hard in starting but with time you will manage everything i know (sanskar look towatd swara hearing her with blank expression swara control her own tears cup sanskar's face) don't worry about me and even about Sanu i will call you daily just take care of yourself and our swayyam don't ignore him okey and morever you can come to meet me whenever you want for that i will never ever stop you
Sanskar - why yaar always you only very interested to think about them who don't even give you or your feelings to damm this is not good decision Shona i agree bade papa making me MD but he has already make lucky CEO of the company and even aadarsh bhaiya to owner of whole Maheswari property and company bade papa didn't did any kind of discrimination with three of us he even make uttara sole owner of his other property we will tell this to Parineeta bhabhi and Ragini
Swara - (move closer to sanskar) SANKU you know this jealousy and insecurities is very bad thing it has always destroyed one happy family and i don't want this should be come between my any relationship that's why it's good decision sanskar i don't want to make you away from mom dad because they having only your support now after uttara's wedding please understand let me go
Sanskar - no i don't know anything i can't let you go if you will go then i will also come with you jaan i just can't be without you i can't you know my problem don't do that please
Swara - be strong sanskar don't fall weak like this see you not only having me you have our swayyam even our sanvi too please now you will not do any kind of stupidity what you have done last time and i promise i will send all first moment of our princess to you without forgetting
Sanskar - i am not this much strong to see this one more time i can't do this jaan and your not understanding me yaar you very well know that i Can't live without you then stop talking rubbish yaar (swara sign hevaily she what about to say something see aadarsh and laksh she get aside weep her tears go near sanvi . sanskaar what about to say something stop hearing Laksh )
Laksh - bhai your not done with sanu also that you're planning for one more baby now at least leave shona ok leave it me and Aadarsh bhai come here to tell you that we have book big travel bus for us actually papa has said to inform Maa papa even arnav Khushi and other's too that's why we will need big bus only because it's long way so we will get tired while driving car that's why we hired two drivers if one will get tired so we can manage with other one too
Sanskar - everything is okey then for what you both have come here when everything is finalized already because i don't think you both have leave any work for me to do
Aadarsh - i just come to ask you and shona that you both will be okey na traveling by bus with sanvi she is very small and we firstly needed to think about her only rather than something eles so tell me about that
Sanskar - there is no problem with this bhaiya you both don't worry everything is okey and me or shona also not having any problem with this matter so just stay relax
Laksh - okey then you both also come down for lunch bhai it's already late then i also needed to go school for bringing ragya & swayyam after lunch
Sanskar - you both move forward we will join you all in sometimes (LAksh and Aadarsh nods in yes they go from there swara kept sanvi in cradle who start crying) jaan you be here i will go down and bring our lunch here itself you don't leave sanu when she is already not okey with you leaving her
Swara - sanskar you have your lunch with everyone then come back with my lunch it will Be not look good that we both having our breakfast lunch & dinner alone and away from everyone till then i will make Sanu ready from morning she is in same cloths you go (sanskar silently nods in yes he go down have his lunch then when after all go in hall he was taking lunch for swara in one plate ragini see him go near him to help her)
Sanskar- thanks Ragini but i can manage you go and look after LAksh and ragya i am there for my jaan & princess to look after them you don't need to take tension regarding to them you go please (he takw lunch in plate and go from there ragini looks on laksh who come to ask Ragini about Ragya's cloth hear sanskar he get confused hearing sanskar)
Laksh - why bhai is behaving in this way with you ragini did you say something (ragini look toward LAksh she don't know why sanskar is talking with her like this way) what happened to him suddenly
Ragini - may be some work pressure well Laksh you Didn't tell me when papaji is making sanskar MD from many days he wanted to announce this news na why till now he didn't announced this news
Laksh - it's just because bhai right now not ready for this because he is busy in sanu shona and swayyam and secondly first he want dad should announced me being CEO and Aadarsh bhaiya as owner of the office that's why he till now didn't announce sanskar bhai MD
Ragini - papaji has already make you three equal boss of the company Laksh (he nods in yes with smile ) and what about maheswari's property
LAksh - ohh about that the great sanskar maheswari doesn't wanted anything rather than his swara that's why he strictly said papa that make me and aadarsh bhaiya equal share holder of this properties even some of shares in uttara's name that's why papa already make me and Aadarsh bhaiya equal owner of this property too and about sanskar bhai you know he already having his own properties which is very big than ours this one so he didn't take anything from this all nor for shona swayyam even sanvi he said he having so much too give his jaan princess and champ in compare to this property that's why he didn't take his share but what happened why you suddenly asking me about this any problem
Ragini - no just like this lakssh you go i am coming in sometimes (lakssh smile nods in yes ragini go toward swasan's room for talking with them but stop hearing there talk)
Swara - sanskar you don't need to talk in this way with ragini why your behaving rude with her leave about this na i promise you na i will daily call you to inform everything
Sanskar - the person who is reason for snatching you and my princess you wanted me to behave with them so nicely i can't do That jaan why you always wanted to great i don't understand this leave about this na ragini and Parineeta bhabhi feeling insecure and your separating yourself with me and i will be happy and more than this all you want to go what reason your gonna give to everyone
Swara - i don't know sanskar what will i say to everyone i still didn't think about this because right now i want to spend my most of the time with you and our swayyam rather than thinking about this but before that you promise me you won't tell about ragini and Parineeta bhabhi being insecure from me to anyone specially to Aadarsh bhaiya and lucky they will not able to take this
Sanskar - huhh why should i hide this from them i am not interested to hide anything from anyone always i am not gonna bear your separation it's makes me more frustrated and irritated i am not gonna promise you anything sorry
Swara - sanskar please don't behave like Sanu and swayyam you need to take care of our swayyam more than your any stupid office work i know it will be hard in starting but still you will manage i know and if you have any problem then just call me i will tell you everything and clear your all
Confusion reagarding to him or anything eles but no fighting about i am going to London i will inform to all tonight only during dinner time and even i will make swayyam understand i will talk with him reagarding to this you will not say anything please sanskar
Sanskar - even i am not in this mood to say anything you know what your behaving like heartless person you really don't care about me you do care for everyone's feeling leaving about mine from starting
Swara - i love you sanskar and even it is hard for me to live without you but sometimes it's good to stay away from each other for other person peace & happiness well i know about my swayyyam he is more mature than you he will surely gonna understand his Mumma very well
Sanskar - because he is not in my place na he don't know how hard it's become to stay without touching you but do you care about that no so just fuck off to your explanation Mrs sanskar maheswari
Swara - Uff sanskar it's really getting impossible to make you understand i said you na you can come to me whenever you miss me or our princess but for now can't you  support me in this decision like you support me during giving our baby to Parineeta bhabhi and Aadarsh Bhaiya so now also please support me na i even promise you to inform you about myself and our princess what more you want me to do
Sanskar - you don't do anything for me i don't want anything rather than you but in this 10 years you didn't understand this small thing leave it if you didn't understand this till now what i will make you understand now i being only stupid (swara sign heavily keep lunch plate on tea table seat on Sanskar's lap kiss on his cheek he frown) even in this 10 years you didnt learn to kiss on right place you being you that small girl whom i meet for the first time in London (SWARa smile remembering about there beautiful memories and kiss on Sanskar's lips who kiss her back both come in sense hearing Sanvi's crying they go near her play with her otherside ragini who hear swasan's talk get shocked like hell knowing swara know about she and Parineeta being insecure and her decision to go London leaving sanskar & Swayyam getting reason of swasan's separation Thinking rubbish without taking out whole information behaving like stupid she was feeling hell guilty and angry at herself she don't know what to do now if she will tell laksh then he won't think for once also to break there relationship even pari's relation will also come in problem she has nothing to say or do she don't have courage to go near swara and ask forgiveness also from her for her behavior and thinking while stopping her she is stuck from all the side)

PRECAPE - swara to tell elders anout she going London with sanvi for forever will they let her go getting shocked by her decision which she take so sudden without any reason 😕😑😕😑😑🤗💞🤗😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😐😁😁😐😐😲😐😲😐😐😲😐😲😲😐😲😐😲😐😲😕😲😲🤗😲🤗😲🤗😲🤗😲😕😲😕😲😕😲😕😲😲😕😕😲💖😍💖😍💖😍😕😍😕😍💖😍💖😍💖😍💖😍😕😍😍😕😍😕😍😕💖💖

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