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"What the heck Bertha! I leave for ten minutes to buy some milk and you're already on your third smoke!" I exclaimed angrily. I was already in a bad mood from having an awful day and this was just making me more annoyed. "Are you trying to set off the smoke alarms? Why can't you just go outside and smoke?"

"Calm down, Ginger. Why do you turn into such a spazz every-time I smoke? It helps me relax," Bertha said exasperated while puffing out another disgusting breath of smog.

"Smoking's bad for you! It has been since ever and I only yell at you when you decide to be lazy and smoke inside. Sorry if I don't feel like getting lung cancer because my roommate has a cancerous addiction!" I said.

  Bertha just rolled her eyes as she put out her cigarette in the ashtray on her bedside table. "I swear you sound just like my mother, but fine. I promise I won't smoke inside anymore. Happy?" She said.

   I released a tired breath and just walked down the hall to my room. Bertha wasn't always this way. She used to actually be a nice person, but as soon as we got to college, it was like she was fed up with being Bertha Daniels. She needed to reinvent herself, apparently. She began to hang out with a bad crowd and gradually she became more and more obnoxious. Believe me this hadn't been the only time Bertha "promised" she wouldn't smoke in the apartment, nor would it be the last.

     Before, Bertha had been a smart, savvy women, but now she was anything but. She was currently failing half of her classes, spent more time playing beer pong than studying, and ahead spent most of her money on booze and smokes.

    I was slowly losing my patience with her and soon I would have to move to a smaller apartment or find a new roommate, preferably, one who didn't smoke. For the past two weeks, Bertha had not paid rent and I was pretty sure she was running out of money on account of her getting fired and all the packs of smokes she bought a day. School was already expensive enough, I didn't need to be paying double the rent as well.

    I didn't want to leave Bertha to handle all these problems alone, but I was starting to accept that my best friend wasn't the same person anymore and only a major shock was going to stop this self-destructive behaviour of hers. I crawled into bed and shut my eyes wishing that I could have my old friend back. I wished that a solution would present itself soon, but I knew deep down in my heart that things were only going to get worse.


Sorry if this is a really lame story. I just sort of wrote this all down without purpose. There are probably a ton of grammar errors in this chapter but don't be scared to tell me. This is my first time publishing, so I hope you guys enjoy this.

:√) :-):-):-)

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