I'm Sorry

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I know after how little I updated to begin with, not to mention the fact that I was absent from Wattpad for nearly a year, but I will be discontinuing this story. I think the reason I stopped using Wattpad was because I got sick of my own work and didn't know how to continue. I'm not going to delete this story. I'll keep it up for anyone who wants to read it, but I doubt I'll ever finish this story.

I'm not quitting Wattpad for good, I like this app and I think its important to get an outsiders opinion on your own work. I would like to think I've grown since 2015 when I first published the prologue for The Smog Storm. I have edited my work as I went along, but I never made any serious changes to the storyline. And maybe that's the problem.

Maybe I should've put more time and energy into plotting out the storyline and making sure the characters and stages were cohesive. Then maybe I wouldn't have just given up? Who really knows. I have a tendency to jump around from one idea to the next and writing is no different.

I'm sorry to any readers who wanted this story to have an ending and waited for the next updates that I never delivered. Maybe one day I'll come back to this concept and I'll have everything figured out, but for now I really have been completely uninspired to finish writing this story. I'm sorry to all those who I've let down and I want to say thank you to everyone who read and supported this story. As well as a thank you to everyone who have me their feedback.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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