Sleeping Dragon

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Summary: Only Zhongli could comfort Lumine in such a way.

Lumine awoke with her arms still trying to raise themselves against an invisible enemy. Cold sweat made her bones ache, terror swelling in her chest even as the world of her dream faded back into subconsciousness. Having no strength whatsoever to sit herself up, she remained a crumpled heap amidst a torrent of tossed blankets. The quivering in her chest made it hard to breathe as her eyes bounced around the darkened room. Fear, though a familiar devil, was not something she learned to shake off, latching to her like thorny brambles.

A gentle hand slid over the back of her neck like a stream of cool water. Calm, steady, as if summoned just to soothe her darkened thoughts. Not a word was spoken, but they were not needed. Just by touch she remembered where she was and why she was safe.

Zhongli was just as awake as her, whether by her fidgeting or another chance. He was no doubt aware of her trembling against his palm, of her quiet, breathless gasps of illy suppressed fear.

His touch moved, nestling deeper into her hair with thoughtful tenderness. His thumb brushed gently over her ear, back and forth in idle repetition. She savored every second, starving for the comfort he offered her. She tucked her trembling legs between his like an anchor. The God of Geo, of rock and boulder, whose mere will could shape mountains — his caress was as soft as a silkflower's petals.

With his free hand, Zhongli clicked on the lamp and pulled a book from the bedside table into his lap, thumbing carefully through the yellowed pages until finding his place.

"We left off on Jueyun Karst, correct? The chapter discussing how legendary adepti came to dwell there."

Lumine nodded once, scooting in closer. The calming lantern light filling the room along with the warmth of Zhongli's presence, the silkiness of his voice, it helped dispel the heavy mist hanging over her heart. He smelled of rare incense and spices, as if herbs were tucked secretly beneath his nightshirt. She watched as his eyes skipped over lines as he read, already having every book in his possession memorized perfectly. It was subtle, but no less a reminder of who he truly was. Or, at least, who he had been.

Nuzzling into the bliss of his side, Lumine took her first unconstricted breath since waking. It did not take long for her to drift off, sleeping dreamlessly in the tender, protective hold of a former Archon.

Zhongli read on a few extra minutes even after fairly certain Lumine had fallen asleep. Once satisfied that the traveler so dear to him was utterly at peace, he quietly closed the volume and turned out the light. His arms found themselves wrapping over her as he lied all the way down.

Perhaps it was a leftover dragon instinct, but he felt extremely protective of her. No, this was different than the care over a hoard of land and shimmering gold, but he couldn't place what. It was fiercer some ways, softer in others, but with an unwavering intensity that burned deep in his belly.

Regardless, a silent contract was forged with himself. She would rest safely in his arms and remain held close, safeguarded from all threats, nightmares or otherwise. This was his oath, one he was certain he could keep — for who would dare try snatching such a treasure from the claws of a sleeping dragon?

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